really scared about regain! :(

on 5/8/12 10:55 am
You are so right, Litha.
Some comments I have heard on here (no lie, I'm sure you have too) over the past 3. 1/2 years

"When can I start having potato chips again?"  (4 day post op)

"Is Top Ramen really that bad for us?" (One month post op)

"I tested my pouch, I had a cookie and I am bummed I don't think I dump"  (1 week post op)

"I can eat ANYTHING and everything and I never gain weight, this is great!!!"  (6 month post op)

Every time I see these sorts of posts I cringe and wonder how long it will be till their pouch is no longer doing most of the work.

10 pounds loss pre-op
Lady Lithia
on 5/8/12 2:52 pm
I think some of us "vets" respond a little more sharply to posts of this calibre, because we just know after seeing those posts time after time after time.... we KNOW... I find it strange that I'm seeing people posting who had surgery a year or even TWO after me who are fighting regain. I don't remember many of the people's names who have posted like your examples. Often times they're remembered more for their post then their actual name... .I mean everyone who's been around a while remember "KFC girl" .... She's sort of an icon of everything wrong with being unprepared for this surgery. I don't remember her name. I think she blocked me (and every other vet). She might still be here posting away and super successful for all I know.

I try to be kind and gentle but straightforward when I can HANDLE respondng to those posts. But often times I say what's REALLY on my mind, then I hit the back button and go away satisfied I said my piece, but knowing that the resulting tempest in a teapot would likely NOT help as much as it would hurt. But I wanna slap people sometimes. Slap some sense into them while they can still use their surgery to acheive that which they want to acheive.

It's tough being a "vet"

~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost! 
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
giraffesmiley.gif picture by hardyharhar_bucket

on 5/8/12 11:15 am - Central, FL
RNY on 08/29/12
Lady Lithia ... That is the best overview I have seen to date.

I can definately tell you are one helluva teacher.

Thanks for the insight !

Alicia ~ HW 307 ~ SW 287 ~ GW 135 ~ CW 160

on 5/8/12 12:43 pm
 She is the bomb!


Lady Lithia
on 5/8/12 2:47 pm
Awww thanks! You're sweet. Sometime I just feel all "teacher-y" and I try to sort of lay it out. I was procrastinating.

~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost! 
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
giraffesmiley.gif picture by hardyharhar_bucket

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