I've been told to stop losing weight - mixed feelings (long-sorry)

on 5/9/12 8:00 am - SoCal, CA
Ok, I have a somewhat different situation than most of you…and this is an x-post on the plastics forum.   I had a mastectomy several years ago and never finished reconstruction. In fact, I still have a TEMPORARY tissue expander in there that should’ve come out after a maximum of 6 months. My body does not like that foreign object in me, plus radiation and healing issues ruined the skin, so they do not want to replace it with an implant. They want to use my belly fat and skin to make a new breast, and I would actually prefer that myself. I also have a huge hernia that is now causing me problems, so that needs to be repaired as well.   Good news: I will get a tummy tuck and abdominal muscle tightening paid for by insurance. Bad news: I’ve been told to stop losing weight if I want enough fat and tissue to remove from my lower abdomen and plop up onto my chest to make a new breast—and it won’t be a large one…probably a small-ish B.   Yes, I feel pretty happy and healthy at this weight, but I can tell that I’m not done losing. In my heart I’d like to lose more, and I’d be able to get to 160 or lower easily if I let myself. I’ve added in more healthy fats and carbs to start maintaining. What worries me is that at 10 months out I still have malabsorption going on. I’m afraid I’ll get used to the extra calories I’m eating now and a few months from now will start gaining on that same amount and will have a hard time cutting back to maintain.   I guess I’m wondering if anyone else deliberately tried to stop losing weight—before they reached their goal--even for a good cause. Thoughts???
Carol - RNY July 11, 2011
(deactivated member)
on 5/9/12 8:27 am - TX
RNY on 06/11/12
OK. I've not had surgery yet so I don't know what it would be like. However, my best friend was told the same thing. She just maintained her current weight. She did that even though she still wanted to lose weight. She looks great. She just had the same procedures you are talking about done about 3 months ago. We talked long about this. I understood she wanted to lose the weight but I told her if she wanted to get her appearance back she could hold off on losing the excess she thought she had to lose until after all her surgeries were complete. From my understanding she could go back on the liquid diet and proceed like a "newbie" to finish losing the weight. I wish you luck on that. You are a survivor and having survived what you have been through, this will be a walk in the park for you and you will get to your goal. I would like to know what others think as well!
on 5/9/12 9:13 am - SoCal, CA
Thanks.  I guess just knowing that I'm not the only one who has done this makes me feel better.  Glad everything is going well for your friend.
Carol - RNY July 11, 2011
on 5/9/12 9:16 am - Wilmington, NC
 First of all, I want to echo the sentiment above... You are a survivor!  You have battled breast cancer, WLS and lost an astounding amount of weight in the process. I don't even know you, but I am incredibly proud of you. This is just another step in your journey and that's how you have to visualize it. They are not asking you to gain, right?  Just make sure you are eating the same amount of calories that you are burning in order to maintain.  Like you said, the skin extender needs to come out either way, and you will have a breast made of your own skin in its place. Just amazes me what modern science can do!  AND you will be covered by insurance!  You CAN do this... You have battled against more impossible situations than this and you will be victorious here too!  Don't let it discourage you, you know what you have to do now when it's time to loose the rest of the weight. 
Good luck to you and keep us posted!
on 5/9/12 10:52 am - SoCal, CA
Thank you for the encouraging words.  Yes, it needs to be done, and you are right...I can do this.  Modern science is pretty incredible, isn't it?
Carol - RNY July 11, 2011
(deactivated member)
on 5/9/12 10:15 am - waukesha, WI
You could add some high caloric food so that the volume is still low.  for example............nuts, not so lean meats, full fat cheese ect.  and then when you are ready to lose the rest of the weight you can switch out to fat free or low fat .  Exchange nut for some veggie,  etc.  You will be eating the same amount but just more calories.  Or add calories to your shakes if you still use them or if you don't ..........you could add a shake.

Best of luck to you!
on 5/9/12 10:54 am - SoCal, CA
Yes, nuts were the first thing I added.  It just seems WRONG to be eating these fats, even though they are healthy ones.  I'll have to work on my head a little!  I am addind a shake back in, just to up my protein, but it will help with calories too.  Thank you.
Carol - RNY July 11, 2011
on 5/9/12 10:59 am
Are you having a tram flap or DIEP. I had DIEP in 2010 and LOVE my results. Just wanted to give you a thumbs up as far as that goes.
I dont have an answer to your question. I had my DIEP done 1 1/2 years after my RNY. I have about a "C" cup now (if im lucky!)  I just remember coming out of anethesia and the PS saying to me  "You were SKINNY underneath that skin I removed from you!"

10 pounds loss pre-op
on 5/9/12 11:14 am - SoCal, CA
DIEP.  So glad your results were good.  Would you mind if I PM you sometime if I have any questions?  Thanks for the encouraging words.
Carol - RNY July 11, 2011
on 5/9/12 11:48 am
absoutely!   PM me anytime.  It's a huge surgery but so well worth it.
Best of luck to you!

10 pounds loss pre-op
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