Day 3 of 14 on liquid diet

on 5/12/12 11:41 am - AZ
My surgery day is May 24th and I am on day 3 of the 14 day required all liquid diet. UGH I am STARVING to say the least. I am seriously struggling to accept that this is the right thing for me. I have had at least 1 meltdown a day where I just start crying (usually when my husband eats dinner).

I am having such a hard time getting in the protein drinks (they make me so nauseous) and I just don't have an appetite for the broth. I am basically living on Popsicles. I really hope I can make it these next 12 seems SO far away and I am so close to just throwing in the towel.
on 5/12/12 11:50 am - OH
It usually gets easier after day three or four.

Why not go out tomorrow and get some different protein drinks if the ones you have make you nauseous?  That would probably help.

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Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 5/12/12 11:59 am
RNY on 05/22/12
I am on day 5 and it does get easier! I agree with Kelly try and find some type of protein drink that does make you feel sick. I know they are a little more expensive, but so far I have been using the premade ones, both Atkins and Premier from Costco. Hang in there!

It will hurt. It will take time. It will require dedication. It will require willpower. It requires sacrifice. There will be temptation. But, I promise you, when you reach your goal, it's WORTH IT! (Author Unknown). I feel this sums up my ongoing journey to a healthier me!


on 5/12/12 12:47 pm - Bossier City , LA
 I totally understand I am just finishing day 8 of 10, the first 4 days I wanted to sauce up my own arm and gnaw on it, not to mention this week I had 2 meetings for work held at restaurants and I had to sit and watch all of these people eat all of the yummy food, and yes I do believe that the cable and food companies are out to get us when they know we are on an all liquid diet, seems to be more than the normal amount of commercials showing good food. But trust me it does get much better, I still have trouble getting in all of the protein but I find it easier to cut it down to smaller amounts of powder at a time and just use it more frequently. The actual hunger goes away on about day 4 or 5, then it is all a mental thing;  you might think you are hungry but then stop and ask yourself is my stomach growling if its not then it is mental. When it is mental try and find something else to do to pass the time. And when all else fails just come on the board and vent to all of us, that is what we are here for.  
on 5/12/12 1:01 pm
RNY on 05/01/12
Hang in there!  The first 3 days were so hard for me, but it did get easier.  You are so close now- don't give up!  The time will be gone by before you know it and then, if you're like me, you'll have no appetite after surgery- totally worth those 2 weeks pre-op.  I was in tears and cranky for those first 3 days, too.

I found one of the brands of protein shakes nauseating (mostly due to the strange thick texture), but I spent most of the 2 weeks on Bariatric Fusion (Cinnamon Bun flavor is pretty ok) and it sat much better with me.  If you try to switch protein shakes, don't throw away any protein powders that you don't like; the brand I hated so much pre-op is much more palatable post-op for some reason.

Anyway, I got my husband to eat my least-favorite dinners while on pre-op diet so I wasn't as jealous as I could have been.  Believe me when I say the surgery has been life-changing for the positive already & I'm only 11 days post-op.  I was a carb addict who binge-ate almost daily, so I know you can find it in you to push through to the surgery date.  Remember it does get easier!!

Good luck & please don't give up- the reward is fantastic!
on 5/12/12 1:44 pm - IL
RNY on 05/16/12
 I just completed day 7 today. Days 3-5 were the hardest. My animals are lucky they still are alive. My program has us having 5 protein drinks of carnation breakfast essentials sugar free. With skim milk I get about 65 - 70gms protein a day. they are quite good actually. What to drink post op I am still working on. Hang in there it gets easier!! KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE PRIZE!!!!!!!
on 5/12/12 2:39 pm - NC
RNY on 05/24/12
 My surgery is also on may 24th. I will b joining you with the liquid diet on tues. I have been doing shake for breakfast and lunch just to build up a tolerance for my liquid diet. We can get through this. I have also told my coworkers while I'm on my liquid diet to keep all limbs away or I might bite. Lol. 
on 5/12/12 10:18 pm
RNY on 05/25/12
Im on day 2 and the headache last night was horrible....BUT today is a new day and Im going to try my best just remember the end results will be awesome and so worth it I have a new motto I live by "Nothing taste as good as THIN feels" I want to be comfortable in my own skin and be healthy!!!

I drink alot of ISO Pure drinks they have 40grams protein per 20oz bottle at 140cals no carbs no sodium I also drink PURE PROTEIN Vanilla shakes they are tasty to me 23grams protein and 110cals per pre made bottle I also have tons of crystal light and SF popsicles and SF fudgesicles I love the popsicles and fudgesicles are a little too much chocolate for me....I do have broth and liquid based soups but I havent tried them yet...If approval goes thru I will be having my surgery on May 25th...Good luck to you!!! If you need to vent Im here for you!!!!

WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!
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