Any other SLOW losers out there

on 9/7/12 11:23 am, edited 9/7/12 11:27 am - AL
RNY on 07/19/12
I'm 7 weeks out and have lost a whopping 23 lbs (Big whoop!).  I am very disappointed that I have been losing so slowly.  My stats are below:

Week 1:  -9.5
Week 2: -1.5
Week 3:  -2
Week 4:  -0.5
Week 5:  -5.5
Week 6:  -4
Week 7:  0

During my 3 week check up, my Dr hinted that maybe I was eating too much (I was only showing 10 lbs on their scale),  but I KNOW that wasn't the case.  I was pretty carb heavy during the soft foods stage (first 4 weeks).  I mostly ate stuff like applesauce, oatmeal, soup, and protein shakes (of course); but my total daily intake was still no more than 500/day (if that) so I still expected larger losses.

Starting Week 5, I was clear to eat meat so I all but eliminated carbs and got pretty good losses for Weeks 5 & 6. However, that gravy train stopped when I got a big fat ZERO for Week 7.  I did very light walking for the first 6 weeks and hit the gym pretty hard during week 7.

A few years ago, I started gaining weight at the speed of light and was told I MAY have PCOS  but never really got a definite answer. I'm thinking of going to see an endocrinologist to see if there is something going on with me hormone wise that could be causing this. 

Any other slow losers out there? Did you figure out a cause? Have you found out anything that helps?
Oxford Comma Hag
on 9/7/12 4:36 am, edited 9/7/12 4:36 am
I don't think you are a slow loser. Almost everyone thinks they are at some point.

Your body will not lose a consistent amount of weight every week, or even every month. Weight loss is cumulative. When I was a new post op, I thought I was a slow loser too. Flash forward one year and 120 pounds lost.

Someone will always lose faster than you. You will have weeks you don't lose weight. Keep following your surgeon's plan. Do not weigh every day. The scale is a harsh mistress, and it will behoove you to find motivation from other sources.

Take your measurements. You may be losing inches even though the scale isn't trending downward.

Also too, if you have a lower start weight, your loss will be a bit slower although you will lose the same percentage as higher weight folks.

ETA: stalls are common at three weeks, three months, six months, nine months, one year. you will save your sanity if you accept that they happen and are a normal part of weight loss.

I fight badgers with spoons.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255

on 9/7/12 1:39 pm - GA
 Hi my name is Roxanna and I had my surgery on May 2nd so I am 4 months out and i have only lost 47 pounds so I feel the same as you that I am not loosing fast enough but I do know the inches are coming off because all my clothes are falling off of me.  I am losing about 10 pounds per month and it looks like the case with you.  Keep your chin up and you will continue to lose I promise its the only thing you can do.  Your probably like me and not eating enough.  I dont feel hungry I have to make myself eat.  My doctor says if I would get more on a schedule and eat more I would lose more.  Keep up the good work.

on 9/7/12 11:50 am
RNY on 05/16/12
It may be that your calorie intake is too low. I wa****ting about 800 calories at 2 months out. Now I'm hitting about 900-1000 calories a day  at 4 months out and my weight loss has been consistent. Your body is adjusting to the trauma of surgery but if you are barely getting any calories, it will hang on even more because it feels like its starving. You may want to revisit your diet and see if you notice a change.
on 9/7/12 11:58 am - Canandaigua, NY
RNY on 07/02/12
I was at a stall and at the same timeframe was cleared for all foods.  My caloric intake increased and my weight loss increased.

A side note: 23 pds is great.  When was the last time you lost 23 pounds in 7 weeks?
Just had my RNY on 7.2.12!!!!  WOOHOO!!!!!         
on 9/7/12 1:00 pm - Sacramento, CA
It looks to me that your right in target. Maybe instead of looking at the pounds, look at the % you're losing. That might help.

Height:5'1.5 RNY:11/30/11 HW:307 SW:234 CW:136 GW:140 (LOST 73 Lbs. PRE-OP)



on 9/7/12 1:39 pm - MN
RNY on 06/21/12
I am 11 weeks out and down about 31 lbs since surgery so sounds to me like you are doing great!


HW: 270   SW: 245   CW: 172  GW: 160 then we'll see  



on 9/7/12 3:25 pm
RNY on 07/19/12
 I had my surgery the same as you and I'm down 24 lbs.  With my pre-op weight loss I'm down a total of 43lbs!  I think we're both right on track.  

I haven't taken my measurements, but my size 22s are absolutely too big for me now.  I have already pack them up and will be dropping them off at the American Veteran's truck tomorrow morning,  Also,  the 20s that I was happy to just be able to get into a couple of weeks ago, are already getting loose!

As was said before, when was the last time you lost this much weight in such a short span of time?

Be encouraged!


Height: 5'3"; HW 298; SW 279.5; CW 186 GW 160

~  Deb

on 9/7/12 3:29 pm
RNY on 02/28/12
 From your profile it looks like you are a relative lightweight (BMI a little over 40). If you are comparing your losses with some on this site whose BMI's are 50+ you will be doing yourself a disservice..  AVERAGE 3-5 lb loss per week is NORMAL.  23 lb in 7 wks averages to 3.3 lb/wk. sorry to say but you are AVERAGE :)

I was a lightweight and initially lost between 2-4lb per week then dropped to 1-2 lb per week.  But I got to a normal BMI by 5 months!  If you follow your plan - protein first, push fluids, gradually increase your activity IT WILL HAPPEN.  

Also, you should be aware, that after a week of good losses, you will often have a week with little to no loss. Take your measurements NOW, if you haven't already.  You will be shocked how they can changed.

Hang in there.  Before you know it you will suddenly realize how much has changed.



RNY February 2012

starting BMI 40

on 9/7/12 4:11 pm - Rochester, NY
i don't think that's slow at all, keep up that pace and you will lose over 160 pounds in the year.

Follow my vegan transition at
HW:288    CW:146.4   GW: 140    RNY: 12/22/11  


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