1 month post op update

on 9/13/12 9:04 pm - IL
 One month down, somewhere between 42-40 lbs lost.  My period was 12 days late and when it did show up, it lasted 12 days.  My weight has been fluctuating about 3-4 lbs since it ended.  I know our cycle has a lot to do with water retention, So I am not worried the scale went up a few lbs.  I am taking my vitamins everyday, sometimes forgetting one or two of the 6 I take. My diet, is relatively normal.  I am on regular diet again.  I am eating roughly about a half cup of food (chili, refried beans, ground beef) I have only had  a small dumping on SF Carnation Instant Breakfast.  Decaf Iced Coffee is my go-to drink as water is still a bit strange going down. I have had a sip of pop here and there when I really needed to burp and it would not come out.  I have tasted small pieces of tortillas, rice and pasta, and I am amazed at how sweet just one little bite, noodle or grain is.  I have eaten tortilla chips a few times since surgery, 1 or 2, nothing like it used to be, its nice to have that little taste once in a while.  I tried indian food and that did not work for me, still too dang spicy.  No sweets, other than a few strawberries.  Still acquiring a taste for greek yogurt.  When we go out to eat I usually get chopped steak or a hamburger with no bun. I have gotten very good at requesting no potato, soup or salad.  
I have started experimenting again.  I bought a cucumber and it was delicious.  I just squirt some vinegar on top and eat about 1/4 to 1/2 cup.  Its only a snack, not a meal and it does not fill me up as it is mostly water.  It is still rough for me to get in all my water and protein.  When I get paid tomorrow I will be getting some of the mint cookie protein that has been raved about so much.  I still have not found a shake post op that does not make me dry heave.  I have also had a little salad with homemade vinegar and oil dressing.  It really hit the spot.  My mom tries so hard to accomodate me now when I come to visit.  She made me her Greek green beans with tomatoes and it was brilliant!  She is also making me Polish Saurkraut without the butter and sugar she usually puts in it.  
I did go buy some Panera Broccoli and Cheese soup and ate it from the cup it comes in when you get it to-go.  Im sick as a dog and It tasted and felt so good.  I have not dumped from it and I feel no ill effects.  I have not eaten well these past few days with being sick.  Tomorrow will probably be a big Unjury chicken soup day.
You, I've mistaken for destiny, but the truth is my legacy is not up to my genes...


artroxy blue
on 9/14/12 6:06 am - MA
RNY on 08/14/12
on 9/14/12 8:24 am - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 08/17/12
Holy Snap!  40 lbs in a month!  That's amazing!!!  I'm 4 weeks today and only 21 lbs down.  Super grand congratulations, seriously, that's wonderful!!!!!  
on 9/14/12 10:34 am
40 lbs!  Good for you.
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