Food won't go through...stomach is closing...having EGD next week.

on 10/29/12 1:00 pm - St Clair Shores, MI

5 weeks post-op

I was progressing fairly well on my pureed foods morning I just couldn't eat anymore. 
One teaspoon of any of my allowed menu items would make me retch and gag. Even my protein shakes were 
difficult to near impossible to get down. I could swallow, but 2-3 minutes after I swallowed just one teaspoon of food, 
my stomach would not be happy and start hurting. I would retch and gag, but not throw up. I felt horrible for like an hour afterwards. I thought at first it was dumping, but these were foods that I was eating 1/4 to 1/2 cup of before without issue. I switched to eating ice chips, water, sugar-free popsicles and low calorie Gatorade. These were the only items I could get down without pain, stomach upset, retching or gagging. It has been like this for a week. I can't get any meds or vitamins down either. 
Saw my surgeon today and he told me that it was possible that the connection between my pouch and my small intestine had healed a bit too close together and that the opening may have narrowed. Thus, this is why food can't pass through. I am scheduled for an EGD (Esophagealgastroduodenoscopy) next week. He stated that he has to go back in and re-open the opening between my small intestine and pouch. This will be done outpatient and under sedation. They will go through my mouth or nose  with the scope to go down into my stomach to see what's happening. Once repaired, I start my whole post-op diet over again from the beginning. 
Has anyone else had this problem? 

on 10/29/12 1:09 pm

IT is called a stricture.  I have not experienced this however has read and talked to others that have.

There is usually more than one treatment required.  If between now and your appointment next week, you are no longer able to drink fluids you need to go to the ER right away.  You cannot get let yourself get dehyrated.  It is a serious condition.

Good luck.





on 10/30/12 1:24 am - St Clair Shores, MI

Yeah, my surgeon told that if between now and my procedure day I find that I cannot even take in water, to page him and then go to the ER as he will have to come in and do the procedure immediately. Thanks for replying. 

on 10/29/12 2:44 pm - PA
RNY on 08/06/12
I had something similar happen at about 2 weeks out, but my surgeon had to go back in laparoscopically and bypass my first bypass. Mine was caused by swelling. He didn't make me start all over with the fluids.
I hope you start feeling better soon. Keep us posted.


on 10/29/12 8:01 pm
RNY on 02/21/12

Yup...about 6-7 weeks out I had the same issue. This isn't uncommon. It took three dilations as they can't stretch the opening too much at a time without risking a tear. My stoma shut down again between the 1st and 2nd dilation but  it stayed open after the 3rd. It wasn't painful. i had a bit of a sore throat for a day or 2 after but that was it. I had to go back to liquids for a few days after to protect and not irritate the opening.

on 10/30/12 1:30 am - St Clair Shores, MI

I'm glad to hear that it is a common "complication". It's fixable and I will be on my way again in no time. 
Another sore throat, blah! 
My throat was so sore after surgery (due to intubation). I was in the operating room twice as long as scheduled due to the difficulty 
that my surgeons had with my surgery. Plus, I was in recovery for a long time because they had trouble getting me off the ventilator. 
Bumps in the road I call them. This too shall pass. 
Thanks for replying and have a great day!

on 10/30/12 1:52 am

I'm not having problems with soft foods, but other foods seem to get stuck and hurt a lot.  My doctor said that if it doesn't get better they will do the EGD.  I chew as much as possible, but I sure do hurt after some foods!

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