Reward system for my co-workers

on 10/31/12 11:36 am - IL

I have to admit, my co-workers are a very supportive group of people. I am always asked when people bring treats if there is something they can get me instead of the usual crap that gets served.   I think that is really sweet.  They have seen me since day one with this surgery so they have seen the accomplishments I have made.  The inevitable office sweets are still there often, but I dont really partake of them anymore.  I did have a small sip of apple cider and a half of a small butter cookie today.  Its not a reward or a treat, but I decided I was going to have it.  Please do not crucify me for that.  I know my limits and I rarely ever eat off plan.  

Anyways, for every ten pounds that I have lost so far (i made it down to 280 now!) I give one of my co-workers a choice of what treat I will bring in.  This turn, the girl is pregnant and has been craving cookies, so she asked for me to bring a big frosted cookie.  Now, back in the old days, i would have eaten half the damn thing myself, but this time I will not touch it.  IT used to be a big "CRAVE" food but now does not even tempt me.  If I am looking for sweets, I made myself pumpkin fluff which I love now!  (SF, FF Cool Whip, pumpkin, pie spice and truvia) 

The girls in the office say that this is just a ploy to make them fat while I get skinny.  I plead the fifth! laugh

You, I've mistaken for destiny, but the truth is my legacy is not up to my genes...


on 10/31/12 9:33 pm - NH

My go to snack was dry roasted edamame. It's available at Whole Foods I know and probably other places as well. It's crunchy. has a good amount of protein and yummy!

High 250/Consult Weight 245/Surgery 205/Now 109
Height 5'4.5" BMI 18.4
In maintenance since June 2009

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