Side stitches?

on 2/15/13 9:13 pm - PA

Last night after my walk I started with what I thought were side stitches, now this morning I wake up and I still have the pain in my side, I haven't had anything to eat or drink so I don't think it could be my gallbladder, the pain is on my left side right below my breast more toward my back than my front.  Does anyone know what this is, or maybe I over did it and pulled a muscle?  Thanks.


on 2/16/13 8:30 am - NY
This has happened to me a few times this week, but it is more in the front. I am 15 weeks post op. I too wonder what it is....sometimes happens while I'm just sitting or bending over to tie my shoes.

Linda, Endwell, NY RNY 11/5/12

on 2/16/13 8:02 pm - NY
You might have to start this thread again and put the word "pain"in the subject line....I was interested to see what others might have to say.....

Linda, Endwell, NY RNY 11/5/12

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