5 Months

on 4/15/13 5:00 am - OH
RNY on 11/12/12 with

It was a few days ago, but I have been busy. My grandma died this last week and seeing my dad depressed is hard. Onto good news, I'm 180 from 260 and can wear a size 14 :) I do got a question for ya guys. I have a lower fat roll(panni) and it is causing problems and it isn't getting smaller but hanging lower. When is a good time to get that removed. My insrucae covers it no questions asked. It hangs half way down my "area" and I'm just having issues. I am going to talk to my doc about it next month but wonder what ya guys think. My hair started to fall out but it's ok. Hope you are all doing good.


Reach for the moon, if you fail at least you will lay among the stars.

on 4/15/13 5:55 am

Document any skin breakdowns with your doctor so when it's time for the panni removal you'll have all the documentation for your insurance.  As for when to get it removed?  Most reputable plastic surgeons recommend at least 12-18 months at a stable weight to have the best results.  I had my procedures 17 months AFTER I reached goal and maintained the weight.


Sorry to hear about your grandmother passing away.

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining



Calla Lily
on 4/15/13 1:09 pm
RNY on 01/23/12

Sorry to hear about your grandma's passing :( but congrats on your success with your weightless! My own skin removal is coming up next month. I know for my dr you need to be at goal weigh, with no more then 10 pounds lost in last 6 months. My hair really thinned about 4 to 5 months post op, but at least it come back! Congrats again! You look great!

RNY 01/23/12, HW 265, CW 115, Height 5'6"


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