GI Bug vs really bad dumping?....

on 7/14/14 1:55 am - Sterling, MA

This weekend my family and Inwent away. We left on Thursday afternoon and I'll admit, I are a lot of crap in the car on our way to Northern Maine. I awoke on Friday morning around 4am with what I thought was bag acid reflux going on. I fell back to sleep in and off for another couple of hours and then around 6am I startedvomiting and had some other unpleasantness to go along with it. This lasted every hour for the next 3 until I could get my Dr to send me an RX for Zofran to the pharmacy because the nausea was so bad! After I took that I wasn't sick again- thank goodness! This was my first time expearancing vomiting since my RNY and I NEVER want to have to relive that again! So I guess my really question is this- do you think I had a big or was my body just very angry at me for all the crap I ate and drank? I have to say, my stomach still hurts- like it is bruised on the inside- if that makes any sence. Does anyone have any experiance with this? I should add that no one in my house had been sick or is yet...crossing fingers and knocking in wood as I type that!! Thank you! 

Citizen Kim
on 7/14/14 2:45 am - Castle Rock, CO

You have not dumped because dumping occurs quickly and does NOT involve vomiting.

My family (including me) have all been sick in the last week with a bug that involved lots of vomiting and diarrhea.   There is nothing I can see that says when you had your surgery (you might consider completing your profile so your surgery date shows!).   We all got sick one by one - 4 days for my son, one for me and two for my boyfriend (although his included Manmonia and so seemed like at least 2 weeks!!!!!)

I hope you are now on the mend and that the rest of your family escapes this - it is definitely no fun! 

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

on 7/14/14 3:24 am - Sterling, MA

Sorry- I had my surgery in May if 2011- so just over 3 years for me!

Thanks for you response! You don't think it is possible my body was just regecting everything I ate? When I had my gallbladder out something similar happened...

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