Anyone looking at Spring 2017 for surgery???

on 8/26/16 1:54 pm

I'm looking for others like me. I am in my 4th month of my 12 month health education program through my insurance. I have 8 more months to go. UGH! It's went fast so far, but when I look at the time that still needs to go by I get depressed. 12 months is a long wait! I'm hoping for a April or May surgery date. I've already done my stress test, and I have to get a breathing test done for my pulmonologist to see if I have COPD on Sept. 12th. Then I have to do my sleep study on Sept. 19th. On Sept. 21st, I have 3 appts at the surgeons office. First with the Psychologist, then the NUT, then the PA for the clinic/program. I'm not too sure what is supposed to happen after that. I guess I'll find out on the 21st.


BTW, I am 5'6", HW 280 CW 270 GW maybe 145 or so (we'll see).

on 8/27/16 5:46 am

My surgery is 11/21 but it doesn't seem that busy around here. I think once January hits you will see a few people pop up with spring dates. I just thought I would say hi. Feel free to message me we could support each other even though our surgeries are months apart. 


on 8/27/16 10:00 am
RNY on 06/12/17

I am hoping for a February surgery. I have an appt. with the internist next month and the nutritionist, psychologist and nurse in November. I too wish that I could know when so I can better prepare myself mentally.

Daniel B.
on 8/27/16 12:30 pm - Mansfield, OH
RNY on 01/20/17

I don't have a scheduled date yet but it should be in January or February.  I just started my 6 month nutrition counseling. 

on 8/28/16 8:42 am

Good luck.

on 8/30/16 5:38 pm

My insurance requires 6 months of Dr supervised weight loss.  Today was my first appt to begin the process.  I'm thinking March or April is the best case scenario for me.  I am starting to do research to see what to expect next.

on 8/31/16 7:02 pm

Hi. I'm in my 2nd. month of the 7 month required insurance classes. My surgery should be end of February or March. go for a sleep study on the 9th. Psychologist end of November. Feb or March seems so far of fright now, but I'm trying to read up and get educated. 

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