What's the plan for your Saturday?

Melody P.
on 4/13/24 1:58 am - Amarillo, TX

yup...I don't even have any white shirts!

Good mornin y'all. Hoping your weekend is off to a good start.

Yesterday was ok. The pain management clinic was pretty worthless. He won't order an X-ray or anything for my neck and shoulders. I'm just not impressed...I wasn't to begin with anyway. My mouth is sore this morning too.

Not a lot planned for today. We had a to put in an a/c unit yesterday as it's supposed to get to the high 80's this weekend. We may do one today but I doubt it. One of the many reasons I want to move.

QOTD: what's your favorite nocturnal animal?

a tie between bats and owls.

B: eggs, cheese and coffee x 2

L: brisket and a low carb bun

D: ?????


Amy Liz
on 4/13/24 5:10 am
RNY on 11/21/16

Good morning ~ How's the potential moving coming along? Last I remember, you mentioned possibly listing the house. Whatever you guys decide - I hope it brings you peace. Yesterday ended up being a great day at work. I love my staff and I'm not sure how I would have survived this week without them.

Today I had planned to spend the day with my sister and BIL. Tacos+margs and games at our house but that is actually next week, so I have a reprieve of sorts. I just barely got to the 170's and I never want to see the 180's again. Now I have a week to get lower and have more of a taco+marg party weight cushion.

It's supposed to be cold and rain most of the day. We need to go to Target, clean, laundry, nap? then hunkering down with a fire and chicken and dumplings tonight. Rob wants to bring out the old school video games. They interests me for 15-30 minutes max, but he'll play all evening while I read/tiktok. Sounds very relaxing to me.

QOTD - I would have to say raccoons. They are so adorable. I could watch videos of their shenanigans for days.

Accountability - perfect - 179.8 and holding!

B- coffee, eggbeater veggie omelette

l - just bare chicken filet on keto bun w/lettuce, pickles and onions

d - chicken and dumplings

s - cucumbers and yasso bar


Have a wonderful day!

RNY 11/21/16 - HW/SW 309 LW 150

REVISION 4/10/23 - HW 240 SW 225 CW 165 GW 155

on 4/13/24 6:33 am
WLS on 07/15/22

Morning Mel and weekend menuers,

Happy Saturday! I got up all motivated to get to the gym for the 8am class. Got in the car...flat tire again. Haha.

I'm proud of the fact that I didn't even go back in the house and just got to it. The last time I got a flat out at the house it was a process. The donut was flat, didn't have a pump...everything that could go wrong, did. Today was a breeze. Instead of the gym, I'm at the tire place, so we'll see how that goes. I called OT and can most likely make the 10am class. Fingers crossed! The increased strength training paid off this morning.

QOTD- Probably raccoons. Always had a soft spot for the critters.

Um. Need a menu plan for the day. Yogurt when I get home. Might walk up the road and see what can be seen. Eggs, need to cook. Black bean burger patty with Gouda.


HW 282, LW 123.4 (8/29/23), CW 144.4

Pre-op-33, M1-12, M2-17, M3-14, M4-11, M5-14, M6-5, M7-6, M8-5, M9-22, M10-6, M11-5, M12-2, M13-2, M14-5

Julia S.
on 4/13/24 12:13 pm - Beaverton, OR
RNY on 02/12/18

QOTD- Not raccoons, they used to come in the cat door and eat my cats food. It took a while to figure out what was going on, so I got a cat door that locked and then if I'd forget to lock it they would come in. Owls and bats are cool, I use to hear the great horned owls all the time where I used to live. Plus I saw one flying before down, so amazing and quiet.

I guess I have birds on my mind. When I was taking the annoying class on Tuesday I looked out the window and saw a couple of big birds. They were bigger than crows but black with white under their wings. My Sibley bird book and I agreed that they were probably juvenile eagles. But we could be wrong. My neighbors and I saw an adult eagle a few weeks ago. It was amazing.

Nothing exciting today, I'm trying to talk myself into going to the grocery store, so far it's not working. I'm thinking of going back to my book and recliner. I need lunch and don't know what to make. I really want PB on toast, but it's not very healthy. I have sushi from yesterday, but was saving it for dinner.

I need to get out and enjoy the sun while it's here.

Have a great day everyone!

5'5" Age 66 HW 291 SW 275.8 CW 179.8

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