Good Sunday morning! What's the plan for today?

Melody P.
on 5/19/24 1:40 am - Amarillo, TX

good mornin y'all!

not much happening today. Yesterday was nice in that area. Just stayed home. The only bad thing was my mouth. I know I sound like a broken record! The bone that was bothering me poked through the gums. It keeps going back and forth and it's causing a lot of discomfort. I am just so annoyed and angry. The original dentist should've takin care of this. Ugh.

We might head to Walmart as I need some yogurt and maybe some stuff to make my own soup. I am thinking of making butternut squash soup. I tried one of the store bought mixes for broccoli cheese soup and eww. Won't do that again. I just want something different. I'm sick of this stuff lol.

QOTD: what's planned for the week ahead?

I have an appointment tomorrow with the pain clinic. I might go ahead and see if I can get in to see the dentist to get something planned but I'll have to wait to do the actual procedure until I save up enough money. It'll be at least 300 bucks. Most days it's a do nothing kind of day. It's the last week of school here so I'm not sure if we'll have the kids any this week

Opal last night,


Amy Liz
on 5/19/24 6:04 am
RNY on 11/21/16

Good morning ~ Awww Opal, she's so pretty! I'm on some meds that are upsetting my stomach and taking me down so I wasn't active much at all yesterday. I'm never not able to eat though unless food is stuck. Even when I have an upset stomach, the flu, stressed and upset, I can eat and that I did yesterday. I still had a nice day all in all. Today, my stomach is a little better and I have some plans. We are going for lunch at the golf course and to hit a bucket of balls. The kids are coming over later for dinner. Rob is smoking a pork roast and we'll watch the rest of Jeopardy Masters with them. I need to fit in laundry and a mini clean sweep of the house. I didn't make the oat bars yesterday, but want to make a batch at some point today to eat this week.

QOTD - A very busy work week! We are kicking off Fiscal year end so lots of meetings, a staff birthday, a staff baby shower, a staff BBQ event. Thursday afternoon I have a meeting/dinner in Solvang for a work association - that will be fun. Plus the usual reports and deadlines.

Accountability - 178.0 - deserved and only 4,337 step yesterday I had 2 glasses of wine, 2 pinwheel cookies, a drumstic**** cream cone and wheat thins w/garlic cheese dip. Geez! Tomorrow and the rest of the week will be planned and active.

B- coffee, cinnamon toast and yogurt

l - 1/2 grilled hot dog and a bloody mary

d- BBQ pulled pork, coleslaw, corn on the cob

Have a wonderful day!

RNY 11/21/16 - HW/SW 309 LW 150

REVISION 4/10/23 - HW 240 SW 225 CW 165 GW 155

on 5/19/24 6:04 am
RNY on 06/03/15

Mornin' Weekenders!

another beautiful day here in Wisconsin, so I'll get out sometime and bike. I also need to plow through a book I won't have time to finish before my book discussion group meets tomorrow (I've been way too busy lately - and this meeting snuck up on me!), but I hope to get at least a good chunk of it done so it won't be obvious that I didn't finish! Food was terrible on Friday night (the party - I blew it, which I often do at these things), but great yesterday, so hopefully it'll balance things out a bit.

QOTD: two vet appts this week, then I'm off to Ohio on Thursday (and then headed to Vermont on Sunday - and back home on Thursday the 30th)

coffee with half & half

plain Greek yogurt with fruit

protein shake

shrimp and salad

hummus and baby carrots and/or more Greek yogurt

taco filling with diced tomato, plain Greek yogurt, and salsa

have a great day, everyone!

RNY 06/03/15 by Michael Garren (Madison, WI)

HW: 373 SW: 316 GW: 150 LW: 138 CW: 163

on 5/19/24 8:06 am
RNY on 10/29/19

Good morning! Gorgeous here this morning.

I had such a lovely time last night at the dinner party and got a pretty good sunset picture of the view for Friday. The food was excellent, but I did a really good job of picking and choosing a few bites and came home with a happy belly. I also kept to my goal of one glass of wine during dinner only. It wasn't easy passing up on the Paloma's everyone started with, and some of the bottles of wine were really great ones, but I stuck to my guns. I even managed to get out and get 3 mile walk in before we went. #cruisegoals. I really want to rock that velvet jumpsuit.

Accountability on the movement side...52 minutes of active movement, 10,292 steps. No running in place required.

Today I want to finish up some art projects and Roger needs help sorting door prizes for the golf tourney he is putting on. Not much movement there, so I'll try to work in a walk to maintain my workout streak.

Bites today

B: I ended up with eggs yesterday, so maybe the pancakes today?

L: deli turkey, cheese, Quest crackers

D: Salted tri tip, baked sweet potato, salad

Peace Everybody.

Height 5'3"

HW 200

surgery date 10/29/19 177.9

CW 121.4

goal weight 125

White Dove
on 5/19/24 8:59 am - Warren, OH

I would think the original dentist should fix his mistakes and not charge for it. That is terrible that you have to go somewhere else.

Opal is so pretty with those blue eyes and she looks like a sweetheart.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

Melody P.
on 5/20/24 2:38 am - Amarillo, TX

Thank you! It's the same office but a different dentist. I agree that they should cover it as I think they screwed up but I have to get it done. I should be able to get it done next week. It's really bothering me right now pain wise.

Opal is such a weird little kitty. She nibbles to show love and is awkward s all get out. She's my princess though lol


on 5/20/24 1:27 am
VSG on 06/28/17

Good morning, (technically Monday now but I wanted to respond). I am really sorry that you are having such an ordeal with the dental issues. That can be really stressful and overflow into other areas of life. I hope that you will be able to get it properly taken care of soon.

Melody P.
on 5/20/24 2:38 am - Amarillo, TX

Thank you so much!


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