What's on tap for this Saturday?

Melody P.
on 5/25/24 3:44 am - Amarillo, TX

Good mornin y'all!

Not much happening today. We may run to Walmart this morning but that may wait until tomorrow morning. They finally approved the new pain med but I can't get it until Tuesday. Why they didn't order it already who the heck knows. The Tylenol 4s are not really touching the pain which has be worsening.

QOTD: Do you like routine and organized or are you a fly by the seat of your pants kind of person?

I tend to be the fly by the seat of my pants person. The more I try to organize the more chaotic it gets.

eggs and I'm making a butternut squash soup this afternoon.

have a good one!


Amy Liz
on 5/25/24 5:29 am
RNY on 11/21/16

Good morning ~ Saturday, yes! I still get up around 4 and I don't even mind anymore. Today I'm taking Chloe to the beach to run around (just us girls) and then Rob and I are going to hit a bucket of balls and 'think' about 9 holes over a Bloody Mary. Rob will probably want to go, I may skip it. I like golf, but my favorite part about golfing are the people, food and drinks! Rob is grilling up some burgers tonight and watching a movie.

QOTD - I prefer structure, routine and being organized otherwise my anxiety would take over. I work hard to keep my life calm! Socially, I'm pretty easy going and can roll with whatever is happening.

Accountability - I ate my weight in pretzels last night. 178.2 today w/4,437 steps yesterday - lazy day with opportunity for activity but I was in the recliner most of the afternoon and all evening. I don't want to beat myself up, but seriously I'm never going to get to goal if I keep sitting and overeating. At least I am maintaining but doing that at goal instead would be nice... Today I will be active, walks, errands and chores.

B- coffee w/half and half, eggbeater and cheese low carb burrito crispy from the air fryer

l - Bloody Mary and 1/2 a hot dog, pickle

d- Grilled burgers (mine 96/4), either on a keto bun or in a bowl

s - fairlife protein shake and beef jerky

Have a great day!

RNY 11/21/16 - HW/SW 309 LW 150

REVISION 4/10/23 - HW 240 SW 225 CW 165 GW 155

White Dove
on 5/25/24 7:16 am - Warren, OH

I spent so much of my life on tight schedules that I am lost without a schedule. For a while after I retired I got to the point where I did not know what day it was. Now I try to at least be sure I have a plan of action for each day and try to stick to the times I set up to do things.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 5/25/24 7:48 am
RNY on 10/29/19

Good morning! Great night last night. Fun dinner with friends. I ate a very, very modest amount of food. I drank a decidedly not modest amount of wine. I have so much leftover steak it's crazy. Roger is not going to be able to complain about not having steak for days. Nailed it on the exercise. Total 150 minutes and 11,566 steps. No running in place needed.

Today looks like I have zero going on. So I will get some reading done and maybe watch a movie. I'll need to be careful about couch time so I don't have to run in place for an hour tonight!

QoTD: I need things to be very organized. I am a planner and list writer. But when we are out or on vacation, I can happily pivot to accommodate a new plan or join a group. But day to day, chaos adds to my stress levels so I work hard at keeping everything in it's place.

bites today...steak, steak and more steak maybe? Lots of options and I am planning to get in a walk. Hope that happens.

Have a great weekend.

Height 5'3"

HW 200

surgery date 10/29/19 177.9

CW 121.4

goal weight 125

on 5/28/24 6:12 pm

I've lived my entire life according to strict timetables, therefore I can't function well without one. After I retired, I eventually reached the point where I was unable to tell the day. These days, I make an effort to at least make sure I have a daily plan of action and that I adhere to the timeframes I set for myself.

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