What's on your Saturday menu?

Melody P.
on 6/15/24 1:41 am - Amarillo, TX

Good mornin y'all and happy weekend!

not a lot happening today and I'm glad for it. I do need to pick up a prescription but that's it, we've been getting a lot of rain so things are incredibly green and it's been very humid for us. I do prefer a dry heat that's for sure.

Yesterday we went out with my aunt. We had Thai food and it didn't agree with me much. Sometimes it does sometimes it doesn't. At least the shrimp rolls didn't! I at all the protein in my pad Thai and maybe a half a cup of the noodles. It gave my mom dinner so it didn't go to waste. I have to say it was damn good this time. I had seafood pad Thai and it was slightly singed on the proteins and green onions. It was just the best I've had in a long time.

QJB, if you read this I just wanted to wish you all the luck with wegovy!

QOTD: if you could make one dish/food calorie and carb free what would it be?

Pretty much any Thai dish. Esp rice and rice noodles. My favorites are seafood vegetable fried rice and seafood pad Thai. That and fried wontons. LOL

B: eggs, cheese and deep fried pickle ranch dip(1tbs). Coffee x two

L: chicken and ???

D: I am thinking chili. 2 tbs cheese and maybe sour cream.

have a great day y'all!


on 6/15/24 5:45 am
RNY on 06/03/15

Mornin' All!

I'm going to another coffee meet-up later this morning. One of the people who was in my group (of four people) last week is in this week's group, too. I guess there aren't as many people in my age group who belong to this thing, but that's OK. I actually really liked this guy. Plus the place we're scheduled to meet this week is great, too. Should be a good time.

scorching weather on the way (starting tomorrow), so I'll be out biking this afternoon. Of course I can always go in the mornings when there are hot days on tap, but often the humidity is uncomfortably high first thing in the morning, so that doesn't always work. Oh well - I'll enjoy today!

QOTD: I don't care about carbs since they don't seem to have the same effect on me as they do some people, but calories - hmmm. Maybe certain pastries like scones and sfogliatelle. I love having them when I go out somewhere for coffee, but I can't have them very often since they can pretty much blow my whole day.

coffee with half & half

plain skyr with fruit

maybe an iced latte at the meet up place. They have Italian pastries there (including sfogliatelle), but I'd better pass. Too much food the last couple of days...

not sure about lunch - maybe the (recently) usual salad with diced chicken and diced half-peach (and something different for dinner?)

Greek yogurt

maybe half a Beyond Burger and some veggies (?)

have a great day, everyone!

RNY 06/03/15 by Michael Garren (Madison, WI)

HW: 373 SW: 316 GW: 150 LW: 138 CW: 163

on 6/15/24 7:24 am
RNY on 11/21/16

Good morning ~ It's already sunny here! So happy about that. I'm energized and raring to go. I have errands to run this morning, need to take care of some house stuff then off to lunch and golf - it's a beautiful day!

QOTD - French fries, all fried foods really. Don't mind carbs, just calories. Or rather, make French Fries 100% protein and I could eat my weight in protein.

Accountability - great, successfully switched food around to make room for 1 1/2 glasses of wine. I was at 38 active minutes and 8015 steps. I seriously chickened out of swimming yesterday. I got overwhelmed in the parking lot. Left, turned around and went back, so many/too many cars and people! And you can't reserve a lane... I left again. Ugh. At my gym where I previously swam I had a reserved lane so no sharing or circle swimming ever, it's all yours, pure zen at your own pace. I can't share or circle swim, it's stressful having to be so aware and robs all of my swim zen. I think I need to go back to my old club w/lane reservations. Yup, that's what I will do. So extra with the anxiety, I know. 175.2 this morning and lots of activity planned for the day!

B- coffee, ham and cheese omelet, protein shake

l - hot dog and bloody Mary

d- Tritip, beans and corn

s - nectarine, zero tortilla mini quesadilla, jerky

Have a great day!

RNY 11/21/16 - HW/SW 309 LW 150

REVISION 4/10/23 - HW 240 SW 225 CW 164 GW 155

on 6/15/24 8:00 am
RNY on 10/29/19

Good morning! Big, emotional day yesterday but we made it through. I got in 138 exercise minutes and 10,771 steps. I made excellent food choices but my good choices ended there. Today is a new day and like at Amy's, it's ridiculously gorgeous out and I plan on walking in the sunshine. I had a great talk with my trainer yesterday and she thinks I am actually over doing it on exercise and wants me to back down a couple days a week. So today will be a more relaxed attitude on my walk and I'll be stopping to smell the flowers because yesterday turned into a great reminder of how fragile life is. Sigh.

Other than the walk I've got nothing on tap except to pop in the library and pick up my book club book. Maybe a bit of painting.

QoTD: D.O.R.I.T.O.S. followed closely by fried potatoes of any type.

Menu today

B: egg and bacon

L: making a canned chicken breast based "crust" which I will add some salad and cheese on top of. First time. Sounds weird, but I have a can of chicken so why not try weird things?

D: Mediterranean (sp???) style turkey meat balls with zucchini and tzatziki on zero carb tortilla. feta and more zucchini on the side for a small salad.

Peace Everybody!!

Height 5'3"

HW 200

surgery date 10/29/19 177.9

CW 121.4

goal weight 125

on 6/15/24 8:48 am
RNY on 02/14/18

I know a few people that swear by the canned chicken based pizza crust.

HW: 306 SW: 282 GW: 145 (reached 2/6/19) CW:150


White Dove
on 6/15/24 8:13 am - Warren, OH

QOTD: Fresh homemade bread, hot out of the oven,and smothered in butter.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

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