What have all the Scouters been doing?

on 12/4/06 8:41 am - north wales, PA
Hi all you Scouters, Troop 399 went to a camp on the Chesapeak in Maryland this summer, hiking along a portion of the Appalacian Trail, White Water Rafting, Cub-o ree weekend and the best weekend (according to most of us) the pig roast weekend at Camp Delmont. Pig Roast Weekend Webelo II Scouts are invited to camp Saturday morning for a day of hiking, learning some knots, cooking lunch over a fire, having a campfire with skits and eating pig with all the fixings. The Webelos like the fact that they get to sleep the night with the scouts (of course a parent has to spend the night with them). The Boy Scouts interact with the Webelos and work on advancements themselves in free time. The Klondik Derby is in January then skiing in Februrary, March I think is a trip to Washington DC for the weekend, April is another white water rafting weekend and May or June is Cape May, NJ. The troop will stay at the Cape May Coast Guard Station and they have a blast that weekend. There is a tour they are given, they also go to the light house, and an afternoon at the beach is always included. This weekend is usually just a "lets have fun weekend" What does your troop do for camping weekends and other activities? Shortie
on 3/5/07 12:24 pm - Loreauville, LA
I haven't been doing so much with my Boy Scouts lately because I've been getting very involved in volunteering with the local Autism Society. My husband does most of the stuff with the guys and I go when I can. This weekend we have a Bike Ride at Lake Fausse Pointe State Park (LA) where the scouts take over the park. The Boy Scouts do a 15 mile ride and the Cubs if I remember right do a 7 mile ride. We also have a fishing contest, scavenger hunt, night hike with the Park Ranger and of course a big campfire. Recently we went to visit the USS Alabama and camped at the State Park (I think Huntley). Everybody had a blast. We have slept overnight at the USS Kidd in Baton Rouge, LA before as Cub Scouts. It is always fun but the USS Alabama is SOOO much bigger all the Boy Scouts loved it. Next summer our Council is planning to attend several high adventure treks. I think my 15-year-old son will go to Philmont. My younger son may be of age to go to the Bahamas Adventure -- his brother went last year and loved it. We are hoping to attend Philmont as a family also. My husband has been invited to attend training there -- fingers crossed. Are y'all planning on going to the 2010 National Jamboree? I know our younger son is looking forward to it. Feel free to email me -- I have to check my email daily due to my Autism volunteer work but don't get to surf much. Anne
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