Looking for Ideas
Hi! I have 2 tattoos on my upper left arm and would like to add a third that would commemorate my WLS rebirth. Problem is, I'm a little stumped and would like some suggestions about images that symbolize rebirth, change, or renewal. I'm really attracted to Celtic and tribal-themed tattoos and I'd like for this design to be somewhat circular to match the theme of the two I already have.
My first, uppermost tattoo is a Celtic-inspired piece has faded quite a bit and I plan to get retouched either when I have my next tat done or soon thereafter. Here's a picture:
I'd appreciate any ideas for the third!!
How about some trible with new plants growing on the vines to show you growing into something. I know your thinking I am crazy....but I have some trible on my leg with blue balls growing on them that look like grapes I wish I had a picture to show.but it symbolized me growing wild after I turned 18. Ok anyway thats my thought they come and go good luck
Well there are several things that signify rebirth... like Spring (you could do spring leaves, flowers, mistletoe etc..), any animal or insect that hibernates or goes into a transformation (butterfly, unicorn), and ancient dieties (Maat, Kali, Cerriwen, spring greenman), or symbols such as the blue lotus, wheel, spirals, sun (rises every morning). There are so many things you could choose from!
Folks, thanks for the great ideas! I do like the idea of the phoenix and I've been browsing around out at Google to find phoenix designs that might tie in with my other tattoos.
Anthony, following your suggestion, I found some really neat Koru designs. Thanks! Not really where I'm thinking of going with this tattoo, but it sure does have me thinking...
Hey Dawn, I'd love to see a picture of your phoenix tat!