Got a date... less then 2 weeks away

Stacy G.
on 5/23/04 3:37 am
I'm so excited! I'm having surgery on June 2nd. Form the very begining when I started this process I said to myself that I would like to have surgery in early June, I think I got really lucky. I've been calling my insurance everyday since it got faxed over, just to check if it was in the computer. On May 20th I called and they told me it was in the computer but it didn't say if I was approved they said give it a week. Well maybe I talked to the right person on the phone because less then 3 hours later my surgical place called and said I was approved. (I cried!) then they called back about an hour later and said that the earliest opening was June 2nd.. (I cried again!) So yesterday I went to my nutrition class, and tomorrow I have my pre op testing... I can't believe I'm less then 2 weeks away. the thought of finally being skinny, (the only thing I've wanted in my whole life!) is so exciting, it makes me emotional. Anyway I just wanted to post my good news. Love Stacy
on 5/23/04 4:47 am - Westminster, CA
OMG STACY IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!! *big hugs* you have to let me know what hospital so i can come visit! sorry i didn't get to see u yesterday... maybe soon though k? love shannon
Whitney S.
on 5/29/04 11:00 am - Chatsworth, CA
Wow...mine has been a quick process too. I called my insurer a week after the papers were faxed and they said 3-5 days and I would have an answer. I had an answer the next morning. My date in June 24th. I have no co-morbitiies but my BMI is 51
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