college students...

on 7/2/04 11:34 am - Hellertown, PA
Hey guys! I am in college too. I had surgery May 18 and I am finally going back to work and taking a summer class starting July 6. I am soo scared I am going to be too tired to get through the day, and try to fit exercising in. Any advice? The whold food thing right now is an issue too. I haven't been able to tolerate meats. Just been doing cheese and yogurt since I am still on soft foods. Any help with that would be appreciated too!?! Leigh Ann
on 7/3/04 7:43 pm - New York City, NY
Your story sounds kinda similar to mine. I go to college 1500 miles away in Boston. I'm also consulting with the Surgical Specialists, but I will be seeing Dr. Clark Warden in Covington instead of Dr. French. I want to have the duodenal switch. My consult is July 16th. I am nervous. When are you having your surgery? If you have aol or AIM, feel free to instant message me. My screen name is MQuirkyGirl. Melody
on 7/4/04 10:53 am - Madisonville, LA
woo, someone close by. What town do you live in? I don't know yet when I'm going to have my surgery, but hopefully in a month or so as soon as I get insurance and pre-op testing finished up with. Dr French wouldn't perform the surgery for me in July and let me go to school in Indiana by the end of August, so I'm probably going to stay here for a semester at SELU, ick. But if it means I get to have the surgery, I'm happy. I don't want to wait til next summer because they don't think my insurance will cover it then, so it's now or a really long time from now (can't say never, heh). But again, good luck with everything. I hope you can get everything scheduled and be able to get back to school, but if I were you, I wouldn't count on having it this summer, even though they have a pretty quick turn-around with scheduling. The nurses at in Covington are really nice, and I liked Dr. French...can't speak for the other surgeons, though. The place is really nice. My mom had surgery in Indiana and said this place was pretty nice. Let me know how everything goes. My AIM is MangoCow. Lauren
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