college students...

on 6/5/04 1:05 pm - Madisonville, LA
Any of you out there? I'm just curious, for those of you who have had the surgery, how you adjusted, especially if you're away from home? I'm currently in the process of getting approved and everything for the surgery, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to get a date scheduled before school starts...and I go to school about 800 miles away from where I live... But yeah, just looking for other college students...feel free to email me or just post here. (o:
on 6/6/04 4:42 am - Virginia Beach, VA
Hey Lauren, I'm starting my sophomore year in the fall, and I haad surgery about two weeks ago. It was pretty difficult working around school to get my date, and I had to wait a little over a year for my date to make sure I would have enough time for recovery. I guess thats one of the biggest things you need to worry about. I have heard a lot of people say that once they hit the 3 month mark they were feeling "human" again. You definitely need to make sure that you get a date towards the beginning of the summer break. It will be worth the wait. Good luck! Also, there is a teen wls forum on this site you might want to check if you haven't already. There are a bunch more college students there.
on 6/6/04 4:45 am - Virginia Beach, VA
Oops...nm about the teen forum, I forgot which forum I was in..he he
on 6/6/04 10:59 pm - Minnetonka, MN
Hey Lauren! My story is almost identical wiith Maggies. I'm going to be a sophmore too and had my surgery on the 25th of may. I'm really anxious to see how well I feel by the end of August when I return to school. Good luck with all the hoop jumping, which get's especially tricky during the school year!
on 6/7/04 8:59 am - Madisonville, LA
Congrats on getting the surgery. I hope everything is going well. I just got an appointment with the surgeon, on the 23rd...but with the time that it's taking now, I don't think everything will work out this summer. I was planning to go to Europe for my spring semester, and I wish I could get the surgery done before then, like in August, but guess that won't happen. We'll see, though. I just hope everything works out, yanno? I could handle myself at school if I got it in early August, but not any later, and there's not any other time. Anyway, I'm just rambling. Happy Losing.
Jennifer K.
on 6/7/04 8:13 am - Washington, NC
I'm in college too... Next year will be my sophomore year. I am hoping to have the surgery, but there is no way I can do it this summer. I am kind of worried about that. If I can get it, I am sure it will be at least 4 months from now. Any advice? Should I just sit this semester out and pick up what I miss in the summer semester? What do ya'll think?
on 6/7/04 6:47 pm - Madisonville, LA
I've been thinking about skipping out on a semester too. I know my parents wouldn't be too happy about it, especially since I'm planning on transferring already as well as going abroad...but I don't know, I guess I just feel that this is something really important to do now. I just moved to Louisiana from Indiana (just a LITTLE bit of culture shock) after a really rough first year of college (greatly because of my weight and unaccepting people who pretend it isn't a problem and act like my friends but talk about me behind my back...)and leaving some really great friends back home...and's isolating. I don't even have a job yet. The job market sucks where I live, especially for summer jobs...for fat girls. So frankly, I don't want to keep going like this... So, similar position (except for all the woe-me stuff, hah) position. Fun, eh? Let me know what you decide and everything.
on 6/7/04 5:41 pm - Baltimore, MD
Hey Lauren, I had my surgery in May of 2003, between freshman and sophomore year. I had lost almost 60 by mid-august(when I went back). Adjusting to school was not so rough for me in the beginning, but food choices SUCK. At least at my school, basically they just have fast food stuff, and of their "healthy choices" they are very basic and boring. Luckily, that never really bothered me and I basically ate the same things over and over. I also supplemented with alot of protein bars etc. I was into exercising pretty hardcore from the beginning, so when I got back to school I joined a gym right again. I could have worked out at the gym at school but I just didn't like the atmosphere. I have to say that between classes, the gym, and just sleeping I was pretty booked. I would say that I got up at 8-9...had classes until 2, went to the gym and stayed there until 5-6, came back and showered etc, by that time I had work to do and then just to chill, I really had no down time. I guess I really did spend 95% of my sophomore year completely focused on losing weight and exercising. I was never a party person but if I had been, I probably would have lost alot of friends because it just wasn't my life anymore. (I did **** ALOT of people off by my eating habits and times for exercising. It takes alot out of you.) Oh-I go to college 2 hours away from home but really only go home during long breaks. I lived on campus and had a meal plan which I sorta worked with. I also bought alot of my own food. E-mail me if you like. Natalie
Jennifer K.
on 6/9/04 5:57 am - Washington, NC
I am moving this month to the town I work and go to college in. Its only twenty minutes away. I thought about having the surgery done over Christmas break but my initial appointment is next month. I hope it doesn't take 5 months to get through with all the stuff, but now that I think about it it very well could, huh? I am hoping to be up and back to work and all two or three weeks out. What do ya'll think? Should I have them schedule it for Christmas break, even I can have a date a month or so earlier? I am so ready to get on with this.
on 6/24/04 9:37 am - Madisonville, LA
Just an update on my story.... I met with the surgeon and he didn't want me to leave for school 800 miles away after only a I'm going to stay home for a semester and go to a school closer by. Kind of sucks, because I miss all my friends, but I think it's for the best, and this way, I can go to Europe in the spring and REALLY enjoy it.
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