
on 8/1/05 11:57 pm - Twin Cities, MN
I expected this. . .but this morning, it's making me sad. I was deined for my Body lift by my insurance. And I know that I should be all gung ho with the rally cry of "Appeal". . .but right now its just kicking me in the teeth a little bit. I mean, I know insurance is a purchased commodity not a right in this country, and that it's my healthcare plan that has the exclusions, not the "evil empire" or some booty. I know all the things to say to make myself feel better. But, I think I'm just going to have to let myself feel bad about it for a little while. Later I'll be ready to start the train rolling on an appeal. Thank god I don't want it until December. *sigh* ~Lara -210@goal
on 8/2/05 12:48 am - East, Tx
Lara M.... my goodness if you have lost -210 darn that insurance... you fight and fight ... they are NUTZ if they dont think you could benefit from it. All I can say is excellent job and keep on fighting.. I bet you have awesome WLS moments!!!! deb
on 8/2/05 12:57 am - Me
Make sure you fight it! After loosing that much weight it would seem your body would need it. Do not let them win! Hugss Theresa
on 8/2/05 12:58 am - Collegeville, PA
Hi Lara I went through denials too for my PS and after 5 months of fighting through appeals, independent reviews, etc., wound up paying out of pocket to turn my approved TT into a belt lipectomy/LBL. I also paid out of pocket for my arms, sides and breast implants. Total cost to me, so far, has been 12K. Everything else was covered (including TT, breast lift, circumferential thighs and buttock lift though the latter two were through a different insurance company). I will be needing a 2nd thigh lift (not revision but a full-blown 2nd thigh lift) and this will most likely be out of pocket as well. Wishing you the best!!! Caroline -225 and at goal (password is ps )
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