Community Goals

lose 30 pounds before surgery

I want to do this

Shannon A.

I have lost about 23 pounds since april, my surgery is October 16th, 2012.


started the journey at 334, down 17 lbs now only 13 to go in two weeks. And I'm starting the liquid.


I want my dietitian to know that I'm serious about this.I want 2 show her I can lose 30 pnds myself!


I have to lose 25.8 pounds before I can get my surgery.


to lose 30 lbs before surgery


Jan 12 - 303 Feb 16 - 280


A Healthy strong me now will = a healthy recovery later.

Sandi M.

I have to lose 30 lbs before surgery. As of now I have lost 28.5...1.5 to go!!!!
