Health with a Dream

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FAT in the way of success

on 7/22/11 5:10 am - Kitchener, Canada
My dream is to perform with confidence, not in my songwriting ability but in my APPEARANCE.
I want people to focus on the song, not my big legs, big butt ... you know ... "such a pretty face but..." . I know, I've heard it over and over and over.

What about you? Is there something YOU'd love to do but your fat is in the way?
Even in Real Estate, notice it is the slim handsome guy, not the fat belly guy, that gets the sale? Ladies too. Those nice slim business suits only look professional on slim ladies.

Stuck in a sedentary job? But it pays very well? Then what is YOUR plan of action AFTER work hours?
Go home, make supper, put in a load of laundry, ea****ch TV game shows or reality TV, then bath then bed with a good book? Too tired to move after work? Well, when you retire, you'll be fatter and closer to death instead of healthy and able to travel and do the things you want in life. That is the fact. No more lies. No more excuses. Have a PLAN. We need 1 hour 4x/wk for ourselves. That is the truth. PLAN which days are YOUR days. You deserve it. Your body requires it!

Time to stop the lies to ourselves peeps.
There is the feel good principal - but it is KEEPING us fat.

For years I've told myself I am beautiful, and I am, BUT reality hits me in the face at the workplace. It's the pretty and slim that get heard & promoted.

Fat people ARE seen as lazy, even though WE ARE NOT! Speaking for myself, I never stop. I mow my own lawn, dig trees, exercise. I UNHOOKED our cable TV for starters. Now I HAVE to DO something other than sit and eat. Or sit and sleep. That was my ONE change.

Did you know FAT people are invisible? They are.
Big as life, but invisible. Why? We get ignored. Why? Not sure exactly, but we do. I don't want to be ignored and invisible any more. My music has to get out there and heard or there are no buyers. So, I've lost my first 100+ pounds. But I'm onto my next 100. Are you with me?

For years I've been the fattest family member. I get the sturdy summer chairs. Everyone is 'nice' to me, but when it is a family potluck, all eyes are on what I choose for my plate, and how loaded my plate is. AND if I don't put much on... I still lose! Why? They know I'll pig out at home in my own private space.
So, the gig's up. Time to STOP IT! No more 'special chairs'. No more feeling awkward. Done!