Canton Ohio WLS Support Group


Started a whole new chapter in my...
October 6, 2013 10:20 pm

Talk about changes in one's life!


Hard to believe that in a few days it will be my 5th year surgerversary.

5 years ago on October 15th, I had my RNY surgery.  Since then my life has been a roller coaster ride.  From the incredible weight loss,  losing friends, meeting new OH friends, well the list goes on and on.


My most recent journey (besides marring Ian from Canada), has taken me to the beautiful state of North Carolina.  Many times when the snow was falling in Ohio I wished for a warmer climate.  People would always ask, "If you hate the snow so much, why do you live in Ohio?"  WELL NOW I DON'T! 


My new husband who left everything including his job in Canada to move to Ohio to marry me recently was head hunted for a position in Raleigh which he gladly accepted.  Long story short, in three weeks we loaded up and head south with our cat, Tesla.  Was worried how he would make the 10 hour drive, but with his thunder jacket on and his litter box, he did splendidly.  Tesla is my baby to say the least.


At least I was able to locate the computer to post this blog, now I need to find everything else.  All in due time I suspect.


Best wishes to all my OH friends and will blog more later.



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