Healthy Life Journey


November 2010

posted 11/3/10 7:41 pm
I am celebrating my 6 yr. anniversary for Lap-Band surgery.  I am maintaining a 100 pound weight loss, and I feel great!  As I was updating my profile, I was reminded of how far I've come, and of all the wonderful changes I've gone through.  I was scrolling through the photos I had posted on my profile, and I did not even recognize myself in the photo from 6 years ago.  I know it was me.  I remember taking the picture, but I don't feel like the person in that photo any more. 
I never would have thought that I'd eventually start to forget how miserable I was back then.  I feel so grateful that God allowed me to have this tool in my life to help me lose and maintain my weight.  This is the first time in my life that I've been able to keep the weight off once I lost i
Is anyone else excited about their weight loss journey?  Get out your old photos and start thinking back on all of the changes you've been through.  Then share your insights with the rest of us.
Have a wonderful Fall and a Blessed Thanksgiving with Family and/or friends.

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