Healthy Life Journey


WLS Support Group Dinner
November 11, 2010 11:35 pm
I'm really getting excited obout our upcoming dinner this Saturday.  I'm expecting 22 people.  Six of those are new members to our group from a nearby town who had their surgery in another state, but are so far from their surgeon's support group, that they've asked to join ours.  Also, Mona Urwin, the Bariatric Coordinator for the surgeons in Scottsbluff, will be joining us along with her husband. 
We are all bringing a dish that fits the eating guidelines the surgeons set up for us.  My husband and I are bringing a turkey, turkey meatballs, and hamburger meatballs.  I'm making Chef Dave's Sweedish Meatball Gravy and a Red Sauce, and the turkey balls are in Chef Dave's Dijon Mustard and White Wine gravy.  I'm also bringing Chef Dave's Pumpkin Cheese Cake.  I can't wait to see what everyone brings for salads and side dishes.
We did this one other year, and had the best time.  It's nice to get together more informally with the members and their spouses.  It will be a great way to get to know the new members.

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November 2010
November 3, 2010 7:41 pm
I am celebrating my 6 yr. anniversary for Lap-Band surgery.  I am maintaining a 100 pound weight loss, and I feel great!  As I was updating my profile, I was reminded of how far I've come, and of all the wonderful changes I've gone through.  I was scrolling through the photos I had posted on my profile, and I did not even recognize myself in the photo from 6 years ago.  I know it was me.  I remember taking the picture, but I don't feel like the person in that photo any more. 
I never would have thought that I'd eventually start to forget how miserable I was back then.  I feel so grateful that God allowed me to have this tool in my life to help me lose and maintain my weight.  This is the first time in my life that I've been able to keep the weight off once I lost i
Is anyone else excited about their weight loss journey?  Get out your old photos and start thinking back on all of the changes you've been through.  Then share your insights with the rest of us.
Have a wonderful Fall and a Blessed Thanksgiving with Family and/or friends.

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