Brevard County Support Group


My Journey
April 26, 2011 7:12 am
while the last couple of months have been busy I have also had to deal with medical issue with my band. I still continue to have acid reflux issue and having the fluid in my band taken out more and more. In early april I had an Upper GI done with contract it was discovered that my band had slipped I don't know when why or how. On April 21 I had surgery to put it back in place. Even though it was a difficult suregery due to scar tissue My Doctor was successful in putting back where it belongs. So now I am kind of back to square one and I have to be careful so it doesn't slip again, question is what does being careful mean?

I may have been successful in loosing weight but I know I haven't been successful to changing the fact that I love food and I get food cravings. I am also an emotional eater and if the band was to have to be removed I feel that I would fall back to old habit that are only surpressed right now because of the band. My greatest fear is putting back on the wieght.

In the very near future I have a new job starting which I am very excited about. I am hoping that getting out of my current job which puts me under great stress right now and starting something new will help me continue to be successful in the rest of my journey and concuring my bad habbits.

I hope by putting these thoughts down I can help someone else achieve their goals by realizing that their is someone else out there that is going through the exact same thing.

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