Morbid Obesity Support


A Book That is Changing My Life
October 17, 2012 11:50 pm
I recently picked up a book at the local Chapters that is literally changing the way I think about eating, being obese, and life in general. It was written by a well-known Cardiologist, Dr. Eduardo Chapunoff, and I was so pleasantly surprised by the contents.

I don't know about you, but I've read a ton of "diet" books, and tried countless bizarre and very restrictive food plans in an attempt to get to a normal weight. Usually, I find that they are written by some preachy, skinny doctor or fitness fanatic that has no concept of what it is like to suffer with this problem.

Dr. Chapunoff's book: Morbid Obesity - Will You Allow it to Kill You?  is a sensitive, straightforward and often amusing read for anyone who suffers from being fat. The good doctor explains with pictures and clear language why being overweight is such a problem for our health.  He doesn't condemn us fat folks, but rather seems to understand the causes and dire prospects for this rotten disease, which damages our health, self-esteem and relationships. He really seems to get that losing weight and keeping it off is not easy for us!

The doctor is a strong proponent of weight loss surgery, and goes into great detail about all the different types of weight loss surgery, how they work, how effective they are, and what you can expect before, during and after your procedure. He's even included diagrams of how each procedure is performed. I feel like I am an "expert" on weight loss surgery already, after just reading a few chapters.

Personally, I found that reading the book alone was enough to curtail my consumption of junk food. I was reading it on a plane ride out to see my Dad, who is currently dying from Diabetes, Stroke and Heart Disease - a direct result of a lifetime of overeating, underexercising and being under lots of stress. I turned down every cookie and snack that was offered to my by the flight attendants, and, two weeks later, am still finding it easy to stay away from the comfort foods that I used to crave.

I'm thinking seriously about weight loss surgery now, after reading the book. I don't want to end up like my Dad or my brother, who is also a severe Diabetic. I'm hopeful that I am finally at the point where I am ready to make permanent changes to my lifestyle. I want to be healthy and vibrant going into my 50's and beyond.

I highly recommend the book to you all. I think it is a rare gem.
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