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Does anyone else in your family...........

Teresa N.
on 7/19/10 4:19 am - wabasha, MN
Have Signs or Sypmtons of PCOS..or have been Dignosed with Pcos?!?!

My 1 aunt on my dads side...has all the signs and sypmtons of pcos... i have printed everything possible for her and gave it to her...but she can't get no help because she has crummy insurnace...

Tiny Bit of PCOS info

Is PCOS a hereditary condition?

Yes. Both sisters and daughters of women diagnosed with PCOS have a 50% chance of developing this syndrome

Researchers Believe There's a Genetic Link

According to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, it is believed that PCOS does have a genetic link. The reason that researchers believe this is because Polycystic Ovary Syndrome does seem to run in families where both a mother and daughter or sisters become diagnosed with the condition. That being said, there is no medical evidence which shows that PCOS is a hereditary health condition. If you have a family member who has Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, there is a chance that you may also become diagnosed with the health condition in the future. If you recognize any of the symptoms which are similar to those of what your family member experiences because of PCOS, the best thing that you can do is visit the gynecologist.
on 7/19/10 7:12 am
Yes, I have two cousins with it. And I think my mom may have undiagnosed PCOS - probably a mild form.

I started at 324lbs and a size 26.  After losing 100 lbs, I became pregnant with my first daughter, who was born in March 2011.  My second daughter was born in September 2013.  I have maintained a healthy lifestyle and now hover around 160lbs.  I would like to get back to the 140lbs before I became pregnant with my second daughter.  The sleeve literally gave me LIFE - two beautiful, healthy little girls.  My husband had his VSG with Dr. Marema on 10/1/2012 and is on his weight loss journey, currently down 90lbs. 

on 7/19/10 10:58 am
This always throws the doctors but I apparently got it from my dad's side of the family because NO ONE on my mom's side has it but multiple relatives on my dad's side have pcos or diabetes type 1 or 2 problems including: two of my aunts, two of my cousins; one of my nieces (possibly two)...and mulitple people have type 2.
Kristy T.
on 7/19/10 3:55 pm - Stockton, CA
No one on my moms side...so far as I know I'm the only one. My dads side...who knows...he's been out of the picture since I was 5.
                     102_1463.jpg image by goddess819                                               102_1481.jpg image by goddess819    
Lilypie - (8NSG)            Lilypie - (HyKO) 