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Sorry..its been so long.......

Teresa N.
on 2/7/11 2:41 am - wabasha, MN
Welcome Young and Old members!!
Sorry it has been so long sice i'v been on our group
life has throw some curve balls at our family
My newphew was born dec30th..he due date was actualy feb 6th
He had a rought start in life, he had a seizure, and a stroke.. was up in the nicu for 3 weeks.. so i was pretty much driving back and forth from up to the nicu (1 hr drive there, and 1 hr back home) I would stay up there for hours and hours and even overnight to help support my sister. Also, money was tight so computer was shut off for a while.. but things are starting to look better, and better each day.. Blaze(my newphew) is home and doing well, showing now sign of damage and is a little ove r amonth old.. he smiles and moves his head all over and moves his arms and leg.. a very happy little boy!!
Work has picked back up for my husband so were back to getting our normal paychecks..witch is nice

Ok...Lets gets things rocking and rolling wtih a new dicussion   