Safe Journey

The hardest part of having gastric bypass surgery is making that decision and finding the best doctor and clinic.  Then comes the gift of the first year where you cannot help but to lose weight.  This is the time when you should be teaching yourself new tricks.  You should be trying to follow your doctor's recommendations and getting some one-on-one psychological counseling, in addition to support groups which you should attempt to attend occasionally even before surgery and then periodically in the following years.  The second year things settle down and you will really be happy that you have been following your doctor's recommendations because you start to get hungry again -- not ever as hungry as before, thank God!    Now the journey begins where you don't have to fly by the seat of your pants in a rush of constant new weight loss experiences.  You can give a lot of thought to your journey and where you want to go and how hard you are willing to work at it.  You have to donate time to yourself in order to succeed long term.  You need to make time to exercise, to think, to reflect, to carve a healthy path.  And this where we start to really make the long term progress.

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Group Created: Oct 22, 2009
Leader: Julie Haskovitz
Members: 1
Total Posts: 0