WLS Card Friendly Restaurants
The following are restaurants identified by ObesityHelp members as accepting WLS cards or offering an open children?s menu to all ages.
Golden Corral
Olive Garden
Red Lobster
Cracker Barrel
Outback Steak House
The Keg
*Many of these establishments are privately owned. Contact your local restaurant in advance to see what they offer.
Cards are not accepted at all restaurants
WLS Restaurant Card

1. Print this card on heavy paper.
2. Fill in the blanks.
3. Cut the card out.
4. (Optional) Laminate the card to protect it for future use.
Food Industry Facts
According to the National Restaurant Association?s Restaurant Industry Forecast, 2004:
· On a typical day in 2004, the restaurant industry posted average sales of nearly $1.2 billion dollars.
· The number of restaurants in the United States totaled 870,000 in 2003.
· The restaurant industry employs more than 11.7 million people, making it the nation?s largest private-sector employer.
Suggestions for those who would rather not ask
· Doggie Bags are a wonderful thing! Take home leftovers and have a great re-heated lunch the next day!
· Just order soup or an appetizer.
· Split a meal. Most restaurants will provide a second plate for free or just a buck. Always ask first!