3 months out.....

Apr 26, 2015

So, I am officially 3 months out from my surgery, and I hit the 50 lb weight loss mark. I am so elated, words can not explain! I was going through pictures on my phone, and I was shocked at the way I looked on my birthday, which is in August. So, just 8 months ago I was a totally different person. I can definitely tell the difference in the weight, the way I feel, my clothes, etc. Since I am 5'11", it takes more for me to drop a pants size, but I'm good. Last night, I emptied my closet of all of my size 22 pants, and found a few pair of 18s stuck in there. I am trying not to go crazy shopping, because I know I won't be in this size long. This surgery has been on of the best decisions I have made. I am able to exercise, including jogging and strength training. I don't feel so self conscious out in public, and I am receiving compliments. What a wonderful turn around in my life! 


Six weeks in...

Mar 11, 2015

I am now 6 weeks + in, and I had been doing well. I have noticed that I am able to eat more of certain foods. The soft foods are easily digested, while meats will fill me up quickly. I have also hit another stall. SO, as of now, I am down 29 lb, but the scale hasn't moved in about a week. It doesn't help that I weigh myself on a daily basis. I am trying not to do this, but I have been this way for at least a year or more. I also don't think I'm getting enough water in my day. Being a nurse, its not easy to drink and get my small meals in. I am pleased with the weight loss, but I think I'm being impatient. Since the weather is breaking, I am looking forward to getting back to the track on a regular basis. I can tell that I am losing inches, my clothes are looser. I told my husband that I was not buying new clothes all along the way, because it would be too expensive. I'm thinking I might have to do some tailoring, thank God my mother taught me how to sew...

I am concerned that I am eating too much. My doctor said I'm doing well, but I don't know. I may start using a food diary or using an app or something. 

Until next time....


Feeling good except.....

Feb 10, 2015

So, I am post-op day 19, and I am feeling great about my weight loss. I also realize that I am never hungry. This weekend was a stressful one, but I got through it. I am working on gradually increasing my diet, though I know I need to really hit my protein requirements. However, when I eat anything, I get this pain in my left shoulder. My nurse warned me about this on discharge, but it didn't start happening until 5 days ago, and now it's everyday. I also think I may be low in potassium, because my legs have to move at night, like restless leg syndrome. I am scheduled to go to the dr's office in 2 days and I do plan on mentioning all of this. But overall, I feel great. I plan on getting back to walking, as soon as this weather cooperates with me.

Until next time.....


Post Op day 9

Jan 31, 2015

Today is post op day 9, and I am down 13 lb from surgery day and 20 lb from my highest weight 10 days before surgery. I am elated! I don't feel too bad, still slow to do things, trying to take it easy. But, there is one drawback. I am hating these 2 weeks of liquids. It's the worst! I am trying to be creative, but even with the soups, its like I want real food. I am having a bit of a time keeping my fluids going around the clock, because life is busy with a house with 2 kids, husband, and 2 dogs, plus returning to work. On top of that, my father-in-law passed, so there is some stress brewing. But all in all, I am doing well. Until next time.....


Two days until SIPS procedure

Jan 21, 2015

Hello, I'm 1NJMommy and I am due to have the SIPS procedure on January 23, 2015. I am so excited to get this jumpstart on a new life. It took me a long time to decide that this was the route that I would take. I have not told many people, just my husband, mother, and cousin. The rest of my family, including my father and brothers, do not know that I have even considered bariatric surgery. The reason I haven't said much is because I don't want people to be looking and measuring how much weight I've lost. I will bring it up eventually, but not now.

Let me give you a little background. I have always been an athlete, dancer, and musician. I have played basketball for many years, and instruments, including in marching band, for many more years. I have never been a small woman, I mean I am 6 ft. tall. But, I have always been in shape. That is, until,  I graduated college, and went into the working world. I learned I had PCOS shortly thereafter. I got married and became pregnant within a few months, to my surprise. I gained 50 lbs during my first pregnancy, and was not able to permanently lose the weight. I had a second child, but only gained 14 lb. So, now I am 307, and did the whole yoyo thing. I am truly tired of fighting and not getting anywhere. I have two sons and a husband to take care of. I am more than willing to fight, but I need to win at it, at least most of the time. So here I am....ready to seize this challenge of a change in lifestyle.

Ready, set, go!!!


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