Post-Op Days (1/07/05 - 5/25/05)

Dec 19, 2008 Christina's Journey...




I went in for my 6- week (actually 8-week) follow up on Tuesday.  I weighed in at 239 (BMI 37.4).  I'm beginning my "Ladies Days", so I'm guessing that I'm holding some water weight, but 239 is still great.  Dr. Hobson says that I'm on the slower end in regards to losing weight, but I'm okay with that.  Even when I was at 285, I was solid and I exercised so I did have a good amount of muscle mass.  I'm thankful now that I didn't fall into that I'm-already-big-so-why-should-I-exercise mentality because it's paying off now.  I can see the definition coming into my legs and arms and I am genuinely pleased with what I see.  


I have to confess that I am still working on my eating habits.  Some days I do really well while some days totally suck.  For example, on Tuesday I got all my protein in and did pretty good with my fluids and food.  Yesterday (oh boy), I drank maybe 12 oz of water, a bite of a chicken nugget, half a bag of peanut M&M's and a very, very, very long swallow of a Checker's vanilla milkshake.  I do have days like yesterday where I'm just not hungry and I don't want to eat or drink anything.  I know that that's not good and I have make myself aware of these patterns, but I when I have to make myself eat and drink, it makes me sick.  Thankfully, I've only had two occasions where I've had to vomit after eating and they both times that I had to make myself eat. 


I honestly think that my saving grace is the fact that I exercise regularly.  Don't get me wrong I am NOT one of those people that get up at 4am to go to the gym before work and then walk 2 or 3 miles in the evening six day out of the week.  Nooooo way.  I actually go to the gym twice a week.  I bought a Gazelle and I like it because I can get on it when I'm ready, do a 20 - 30 minute workout and call it a day.  A few years ago, I started taking boxing lessons and just slacked off over time.  Now that I've dropped some weight, I'm starting again.  I love boxing... it's my genes. :)   It's a really good full-body workout and it doesn't feel like "exercise"!  I guess the key to sticking with any workout regime would be to find something that you like to do and DO IT! 






Today is one of those days.  You know the ones where you just feel blah?  That's how I feel.  No particular reason.  Maybe it's just a case of the Monday's.  I don't know.  Why am I putting this here?  I guess just so that I can remind myself that even though my body has changed, I still have things to deal with internally.  Having this surgery and changing the way that I look on the outside doesn't automatically make all of my other issues go away.  It doesn't make my life all rainbows and sunshine.  I'm not quite sure why I'm feeling especially morbid today.  I should have worn black.




I'm still not sure what triggered my mood this morning, but I'm working my way out of it.  Just to show you that God knows everything, my friend Lavita- who I haven't talked to in days- sent me this poem and it's helped me a lot.  It's called 'Drinking from my Saucer'.


I've never made a fortune, and it's probably too late now.

But I don't worry about that much, I'm happy anyhow.


And as I go along life's way,

I'm reaping better than I sowed.

I'm drinking from my saucer,

'Cause my cup has overflowed.


Haven't got a lot of riches,

and sometimes the going's tough.

But I've got loving ones all around me,

and that makes me rich enough.


I thank God for his blessings,

and the mercies He's bestowed.

I'm drinking from my saucer,

'Cause my cup has overflowed.


I remember times when things went wrong,

My faith wore somewhat thin.

But all at once the dark clouds broke,

and the sun peeped through again.


So Lord, help me not to gripe,

about the tough rows I have hoed.

I'm drinking from my saucer,

'Cause my cup has overflowed.


If God gives me strength and courage,

When the way grows steep and rough.

I'll not ask for other blessings,

I'm already blessed enough.


And may I never be too busy,

to help others bear their loads.

Then I'll keep drinking from my saucer,

'Cause my cup has overflowed.


Nice, huh?  I think so too.  I'm going to send her a great, big thank you for that because that was exactly what I needed.  I am waaaay too blessed (and way too cute:)  ) to be sitting around here with a funky attitude for NO reason.  I should be praising God because my cup has overflowed!





Well, it's been a couple of weeks and I'm pretty much back to being myself.  At the suggestion of one of my new friends (Thanks Cookie!), I took time out to talk to someone about the issues that I was dealing with.  What a help!!!!  Without putting ALL my business in the street :),  let's just say that for a while I thought just because I was smaller, I could approach situations the same way and get a different outcome.. not true.  I'd also been down because I hit my first plateau in my journey.  After my follow-up visit with Dr. Hobson, I stayed at 239 the rest of the week AND when I went to my Support Group meeting on the 15th, I weighed in at 242.5.  AARRGGHH!!!!  Needless to say, this nothing for my already sagging morale.  I knew that I couldn't blame anyone but myself because I had slacked off on my exercise, ate some things that I KNEW I had no business whatsoever putting in my mouth and just wallowed in my own little pool of self-pity.  BUT...  I got up and went to church that Sunday morning and I know that the message was just for me.  The topic - Self-Control.  Boy, did I need that!!!!  And I had no idea that my pastor was beginning a 21-day fast (and prayer) in the church to begin at 6pm that evening.  It was on this Sunday that I rededicated myself to doing all that I could possibly do to be the person (physically) that I wanted to be.  This is MY body.  I control IT... IT doesn't control ME!


Of course due to WLS, I couldn't participate in the fast that most members were doing, but I did a sacrifice.  The one thing I never let go of after surgery was my sweet tea and I confess, that since I found out that I don't dump on sugar, I've had my share of it... and carbs... some fried stuff, too.  My sacrifice - I let go of all of it - the sugar, the carbs (except in veggies), the fried food AND the tea!  I also dedicated myself to exercising EVERY day and guess what?  I DID IT!!!!  From 6pm on Sunday, 1/16 to 6pm on Sunday, 1/23, I did everything that I said I would do and my reward?  Stepping on the scale this morning and seeing... drumroll, please... 230.8!!!!! A difference of 11.7 pounds since last Saturday!!!!!


230.8 (BMI 36.0).  This week really showed me what I can I accomplish when I set my mind on a goal and exercise - you guessed it- Self-Control!  This second week of the Fasting and Prayer time is supposed to be focusing on praying three times a day for the areas of your life in which you need self-control and next week is the food - fasting week.  I am determined to stick to my sacrificial diet and exercise regime because 1) I want to support my pastor and 2) I am pleased with the results.


*If you take care of God's business, He'll surely take care of yours!






Happy 3-Month Anniversary to Me!!  Happy 3-Month Anniversary to Me!!  Happy 3-Month Anniversary to Meeeeeeeee!!  Happy 3-Month Anniversary to Me!!  :)


Today I am exactly 3 months out from my surgery and am sooo proud to announce that I weighed in this morning at 223 which makes my BMI 34.9!  I'm Obese!!!!  I never thought that I would be so happy to say those words. lol.  I began this journey at 285 with a BMI of 44.6 which is Morbidly Obese.  Ughhhh.  I never want to hear those two words together EVER again! 


I will confess that hit another plateau right after my last post that lasted about a week.  So as soon as I noticed that the scale wasn't moving, I hit the protein train again and BAM! :)  I'm also getting more exercise now, too.  I registered to join the Train To End Stroke program sponsored by The American Stroke Association.  I'm training to run (okay... walk) a half marathon - 13.1 miles in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii in June!  The trainers are NO JOKE!  The training schedule has us doing at least 25 minutes of training EVERY day and that's in addition to the workouts that I've been doing on my own.  I don't want to overexert my body , but I am LOVING the results!






It's My Birthday!  It's My Birthday! Today I am 29 years old.  Yeeeeeea Me!!!!!!!!  :-)





Happy 4-Month Anniversary to Me!!  Happy 4-Month Anniversary to Me!!  Happy 4-Month Anniversary to Meeeeeeeee!!  Happy 4-Month Anniversary to Me!!  :)


Today I am 4 months out from my surgery and I feel great!  Today I weighed in at 215 (BMI 33.7) and even though that means I've only lost 8 lbs. in  the past month, I can see where the inches have dropped significantly!  Last month, I weighed in at 223 and I was wearing most 18's comfortably.  This month, with only a 8 lb. loss, I can fit into 16's comfortably and some 14's (depends on the maker).  How cool is that? 


I'm going to jump on the Protein Train this week so I can break this plateau.  I've been doing better with my protein, but I still need to step it up some.  I only have 30 lbs. to go to make my official personal goal of 185 lbs. and only 16 lbs. to my unofficial goal of 199.  I thank God that my stomach has decided to start catching up with the rest of body.  I know the Pilates class that I've  been taking has definitely helped, not to mention all the training for the marathon.  It's all starting to come together.  :)


I finally took some "real" pictures on yesterday and will post a few of them when I get them back.






Goooood morning OH!!  lol.  Yes, I feel good today!  :)


I have to confess, that while my intentions were good when I made my last post, I didn't do the Protein Train then.  I did, however, do it last week from Sunday (3/20) to Sunday (3/27).  My weight loss for the week?  *drumroll please*  I weighed in this morning at 211 (BMI 33.0)!  Now four pounds isn't a whole lot, but I reminded myself that it's HALF of what I lost all of last MONTH!  I probably could have lost more, but I only exercised one day last week - my daughter was under the weather.  So, all things considered, I think that I did fabulously well.  :-)


Oh... I also found a new Protein drink.  I still like the Lean Body mixes, but it was time for some variety.  So I ordered the Nectar Fuzzy Navel supplement and it's GOOD!  I had to get used to the peachy taste, but after the first glass, I was hooked.  And I like it even more because I can make a big thermos of it and not have to worry about trying to gulp it down in less than thirty minutes before it starts breaking down. 


Size Update - I was digging through my closet and found stash of Express clothes that I refused to get rid of even when I couldn't wear them.  I pulled out my absolute favorite suit (13/14) and just prayed that I'd be able to fit into it by this summer.  I figured, what the hay, I'll try it on for kicks just to see how far I've come.  Now I did this the week before surgery and I couldn't get the pants past mid-thigh and my arms wouldn't even go in the sleeve of the jacket.  I put the jacket on and thought 'Cool... my arms fit... and I can close it!... HEY I can BUTTON it... all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'  The jacket fit PERFECTLY! I'm thinking something has happened to these clothes.  Is it possible that I can really fit into them?  So pull the pants out and step into them.  One leg... two legs... past the knees... past the thigh (WHAT!)... over my hips (NO WAY!)... past my bottom (OMG!!)...  zipping up... up... SCREECH STOP!  lol.  Okay, I couldn't zip them up all the way, but I could button them when I sucked my tummy in as far as it would go! :-) 


WOOOO!  I feel good! Na-na-na-na-na-na-na!  lol.  I am so blessed to have had this surgery.  I am healthier, leaner and I feel FABULOUS!







Okay... I am FINALLY posting some new pictures.  :)  I took these pictures last month, but I'm just now getting around to putting them up.  I'm really happy with the changes that have taken place - healthwise and physically.  I have a long way to go, but it's all coming together.  I weighed in today at 207 lbs (BMI 32.4).


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It's been a couple of weeks since I've checked in, but I wanted to share my good news.  I've hit ONEDERLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    WOOOOO!!!!  I weighed in this morning at 199.8 (BMI 31.2)! 


I'm actually starting to realize that I can do this.  It sounds funny, but until this weekend, I still saw myself as the size 22/24 Christina.  I went up to Augusta for my BAF sister's birthday party (Hi Hope!) and went to Old Navy with my new friend (Hi Poochie!).  I was going to buy something regardless, but it was at Poochie's suggestion that I try a smaller size.  Now this is Old Navy, so I picked up the 18... and the 16.  Low and behold, the 16 fit perfectly.  It even had a some breathing room in the waist.  I'm not bold enough to try the O.N. 14 yet.  LOL.  HOWEVER, I did buy some jeans at Ashley Stewart's that were a 14 and I looked pretty darn good if I say so myself.  :)  I almost can't believe that I've actually hit my first goal - getting under 200.  My ultimate goal is 185 and/ or to be a "universal" 13/14.  I am so close that I can almost taste it. 


Thank you, God, for giving me this tool and allowing me the opportunity to change my life.


I know that there are people that are considering WLS and may be straddling the fence.  Let me tell you, in my opinion, there's no greater gift to give yourself then the chance to really live.  It's not an easy road, I'll admit that.  I have to challenge myself EVERY day to get in all of my water, protein and vitamins, but I'm doing it because I want to get the maximum results from my tool.  It's only been in this last month or so that I've gotten in AT LEAST 64 oz. of water a day and AT LEAST 70g of protein a day.  But I am proud of myself because I'm DOING it now.  It's hard not to compare your journey with others, but everyone really is different.  I'm grateful for MY journey because it's made me a better person, a more confident person and definitely, a happier person.  I'm still drinking from saucer because my cup is overflowing!






I just wanted to check in and drop off a couple of pictures :)  The clarity sucks but they were taken on a camera phone so...   The first one was taken by my daughter, Christin this morning.  Before we left the house, she turned to me and said "Mommy, you look GOOD!  Let's take your picture!"  and Voila!  :)  My body is starting to look more like an hour-glass and less like a liter bottle.  LOL.  The second one, we took this past weekend just goofing around.  I love this picture because my head is tilted down and I don't have that extra neck fat anymore.  Woooo!!


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I'm holding strong at 199 even and I just started working with a personal trainer.  My first day with him was this past Friday and can you say SORE?!  I thought that I had been doing a decent job in the gym, but I worked muscles on Friday that I didn't know I had.  I'm not complaining though.  I have a pageant coming up this summer, a strapless dress to get into, a title that I want to bring home and I want my arms (and legs... and tummy) to be tight. 


That's all for now.  I'll update on my 6-month anniversary!  Smooooooches!!






I CANNOT believe I missed updating on my (semi-)anniversary!!!!  Well, I weighed in at 195 (BMI 30.5)!!  AND *drumroll please* I am officially a 14... an Old Navy 14!!  WOOOOOO!  :-) 


The past few weeks I've been watching the scale and it never really moved much.  But I have to admit that while I haven't seen a big jump on the scale, I've seen a HUGE change in my body.  Everything is coming together pretty nicely if I say so myself.  My stomach is finally trying to catch up to everything else and just suddenly decided that it would try to shrink away (Yea!) lol.  Seriously, I'm at a point where I'm happy with my size.  Everything from here on out is just gravy... (mmm gravy)... maybe I should use another analogy. :) 


I like this me that I'm becoming.  I like the Christina that I see every day in the mirror.  She's so different from that girl that used to look back at me. 


The old Christina looked confident... the new one IS confident

The old Christina was pretty... the new one is BEAUTIFUL

The old Christina got attention... the new one DEMANDS it


I've  finally evolved into the me that was meant to be.  I know that this no where near the end of my road, but I know now that I am on the RIGHT path for my life.  My odyssey has reached its peak.  I am willing to sacrifice my past to the fires that have tried to consume me along the way.  I will rise, renewed, from the ashes of my former self.  I am restored.  I am revived.  I am a Phoenix rising from the ashes.




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About Me
Atlanta, GA
Surgery Date
Aug 01, 2004
Member Since

Friends 17

Latest Blog 7
