Dx E 19 years ago

Michelle, I’m so sorry to hear you are having a “rough go of it.” Stay on that Dr. and don’t assume that anything is “normal.” On the “Bright-Side?” From one who started out also having complication after complication, In the long haul you will probably be far more compliant and successful than many people who breezed on through and were “back to normal,” in a week. I know that right now all you can see is the pain and torture of not feeling well at all. Just try to see it as a “Blessing in the Greatest Disguise Ever!” I’m Praying that you pull up soon and turn the corner on your complications. Hang in there and wear that phone out calling your surgeon. Don’t stop until you are feeling better each day. Keep us posted darlin! And know that you’ve got quite a crowd out here pulling for you and holding you in our prayers! Best Wishes- Dx

spraguerl 19 years ago

Hi Michelle, Sorry you are not feeling well. I didn't realize you were still feeling bad. Email me anytime because I don't mind if you whine. You certainly deserve it after all that you been through. Right now I didn't chew well enough and I don't feel very good. Like something is stuck, but boy it still is better than what you are going through. Good luck with your doctor's appt. Take care, Lynn

Theresa W. 19 years ago

Hi Michelle! We were told you are not feeling well and that is such a bummer! If there is anything we can do, please let us know. I'm only a hop, skip and a jump from you (in Houghton Lake), so I can pop over when you are feeling up to it and have lunch sometime! You are in my prayers that you start to feel better real soon! Hugs, Theresa

Leslie P. 19 years ago

Hi Michelle.I'm so sorry that you are having all these complications and hope that all will be well very soon.Please don't fell bad about coming on here we all need the support of each other.Prayers and get well wishes are being sent your way.

michdeb 19 years ago

Dear Michelle, it sounds like you are going through a very difficult time right now. I'm sending prayers your way that you recover from your infection soon, and will start to feel much better. You have worked so hard to have your surgery, and deserve a healthier life. Best wishes to you and your family during this time.

Tricia J 19 years ago

Hang in there Michelle you are not alone with your complications. I am a year out from surgery and to this day I have been struggling with my own complications. You are in my thoughts and prayers that they can help you feel better and your surgery straightens out and you can start feeling better. Tricia

Fatfreedom 19 years ago

Hey Michelle, So sorry to hear things are not going well. Never feel bad about posting here. We want to lend support. I would take K-Man's advice and not wait for the ridiculous surgeon to be back in town. Take care, honey, and update us when you can! Hugs, Erica

cajungirl 19 years ago

Michelle, sending prayers up for you today that your journey makes a turn for the best and you can forget about the problems you are having to deal with. I agree with Capn K-Man, get yourself to the ER now. You cannot wait until Tuesday to see your doctor. May God give you peace of mind and strengh to overcome the obstacles you are currently facing. Hugs ~~ Dana

capnkman 19 years ago

Hi Michelle!! Hey kiddo...I sure hope you get to feeling better real soon. I know it takes a lot out of you to feel like crap all the time, but this will get resolved soon...I just know it!! Until then, please do what I said and assert yourself with your dr. or have someone close to you speak for you if you need them too. Your health and life are too important not to do that for yourself and your family!! Take care of yourself and keep me posted of how you are doing. I wish you only the best and hope you feel better soon....Be good...Cap'n K-Man

prplgirl 19 years, 2 months ago

Michelle, I am so glad that the doctor was able to fix the problems right away. SMART DOC!!! I hope you have a fast recovery and are home walking around real soon! Recovery, and the first few months post-op are difficult, but you are a strong person and will sail through without difficulty. We are always here to support you! Tricia
About Me
Traverse City, MI
Surgery Date
Nov 16, 2004
Member Since
