Zenker 17 years, 9 months ago

Susan, I talked with you this morning in the OH chatroom, and was wanting to get your email address before you left. Mine is [email protected] so if you want to email me I would love to hear from you. I feel I have some kind of connection to you since I lived in Germany all those years, and its great to get caught up on what is going on there now and just being in touch with someone from Germany. I loved your new pics, you are very pretty. What are your childrens ages, and their names??? I have four, Nicole is 23, Samantha is 20, Willie is 16, and Kenny is 9. Would love to hear from you. Zenker(Mary-real name)

AnthonyFromCA 18 years, 5 months ago

Hello, it was a pleasure talking with you in the chat room, hope the best for you!
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Jan 04, 2006
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