98lbs lost forever

Jul 03, 2009

Been a while since I was able to log on and thought  I would give a quick update. I am a little over three months out of surgery and as of today I have lost 98lbs. I need to lose about 28 lbs to reach my goal wieght!!!!!

I feel great and my energy level is out of sight, it is unreal. I can play with my 3 year old son for more than a few minutes at a time. I did a 17 mile canoe trip a few weeks ago that I would not have even considered attempting 3 months ago.

I would not hesitate to do this all over again if I had to go back and start over!

One month Dr. visit

Apr 21, 2009

Had my one month Dr. visit today and they are very happy with my progress. So far in a month (including week of pre surgery diet) I have lost 53 lbs!! I have so much more enrgery right now. My wife likes it too, I am working on some of the home improvment projects we have talked about for over a year...

Going Fishing

Apr 14, 2009

Very excited, I love to fish and have not done so since the week before surgery. I am going to give it a try late this afternoon. My father in law is going to meet me at the lake with his boat, as I still am not up to hooking mine up I dont think, and we will see how I do. I hope to hook into a nice sized cat or red and see how my midsection handles things. Also want to see how I handle the boat ride.

Had my first real food issue at supper last night. The wife sauted some shrimp last night and I ate 3 of them. As soon as I took the last bite I knew things were going to come back up. I am hoping it was the spice or that I ate way to fast and not the shrimp as I would hate to think I have to give up shrimp!
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Quick update

Apr 12, 2009

Stepped on the scale with my eyes closed yesterday and when I peeked I was very happy...

276.1 lbs. Yahoo 49 lbs gone sine March 16th.

18 days later

Apr 10, 2009

  Things are still going well. Had a little scare last weekend, without thinking I grabbed my son (about 35lbs) and tossed him into his bed which is about 5 foot off the floor. I had some pretty nasty pain in my lower stomach but it went away after a few hours and was ok by the next morning. I am really wishing I could jump in the boat and go fishing, but I think I need to wait at least one more week. I am having a hard time getting in 80grams of protein each day. I still am not hungry and am just drinking a protein shake for breakfast and lunch and just not hungry at dinner time. I forced myself to eat some stew that my mother in law made last night and after about 4 small bites of the broth and a few small pieces of meat I thought I was going to be sick. I left the table and went outside to walk around and burped about 20 times in a row. I felt much better after that; still not sure how so much gas got trapped in my “stomach” with just the few bites I took. Anytime I eat something I have a real issue with gas, I burp incessantly for a good 5 minutes. Overall I am thrilled with the results and have NO regrets. I am still losing weight and am up to walking 2 miles 5 days a week. Not sure what I am at weight wise as I have not gotten on a scale in a while. Guess I will do that tomorrow and see what the damage is. The cool thing is that I am fitting into clothes that I had buried in the back of the closet for two or three years because they would not fit. My 3x shirts hang on me and I can almost fit into the few xl shirts I have kept. I have had to poke a few new holes in my leather belt too…. J Hope everyone has a great weekend and upcoming week!
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12 days later

Apr 05, 2009

So it has been 12 days since surgery and things are still going really well. Have had a hard time getting going on the vitamins, so I went to the store and bought one of those big pill things with the days on it and that has seemed to help. Ready to kick up my walking to 2 miles or more per day as well I think. I did something today I never dreamed of.... I went to New Balance store and had them fit me for a pair of shoes. They were very nice and helpful. I spent 200 bucks on a pair of shoes and inserts for them. Crazy, never thought I would spend that much on sneakers!

Well hope everyone has a great week!
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Todays Dr appointment

Apr 01, 2009

Todays one week check up went very well. My offical wieght was 289. Released me to eat soft foods... yahoo no more broth! I came home and had a deviled egg for lunch and a scrambled egg with low fat cheese sprikled on top for supper. It was so nice to eat something with flavor!!

So far no issues with anything I have eaten so far, granted that is only eggs and cheese, but I am very happy to not have any issues keeping things down.


A week out

Mar 31, 2009

Well it has been a week since surgery and things are going very well still. I go back to the Dr. this morning for my one week follow up and hope to be allowed to start on something other than clear fluids! I stepped on the scale last night and I am at 288 as of last night. 325 to 288 in 2 weeks...yahoooooooooooooo. I cannot really feel the difference myself by my wife tells me she can see a difference so I guess that is good.

I seem to be healing very well, the only thing that still "hurts" is getting up out of bed. I am walking a mile to a mile and half each day. I have a pedometer and keeping track of my steps and am hitting about 6000 steps per day for the last three days. If the Dr. tells me I can, I will start working with the wii fit program this week. I have used it befrore and really like it.


First blog

Mar 29, 2009

Well, I will give this blog thing a shot I guess.

I was at 325 lbs before I started my pre surgery diet.

I had RNY surgery on March 24, 2009 and so far things are going very well. I am 5 days after surgery and feel great with almost no pain. I feel pain and a "stretching" feeling when I try to lay in bed but otherwise not any real pain. I understand that I am very fortunate as I have had no real pain or complications. My Dr. did the surgery around noon and I was up walking with my wife’s help around 7 that night. When I was asked to step on the scales at midnight by the nurse as I was walking the hall I weighed 305, I did ask for some pain meds that night and went to sleep. The next day was good, no real pain and lots of walking the halls, I was pretty much asleep or walking or doing my deep breathing exercises.  At midnight when I stepped on the scale again I was 302lbs. I was pretty sore from all the walking but it was not too bad.
Dr. told me I was doing great and to just continue walking when I got home. Told me my blood test showed I had a high risk of gout so prescribe a med for me and kicked me out of the hospital. Now 5 days later I feel great and think I will go back to work tomorrow. I can work from home and its all computer and phone work so I should have no issues. I figure that I have been talking on the phone and playing on the computer anyway lol… I am a little sad that the surgery did not cure my diabetes right away; I really hoped to be in the 85% that was able to throw away their meds. I tried to not get my hopes up, but it was hard not to. My sugar is 150% better but not cured. I hope that as I lose weight it will get even better and I will only need oral meds instead of insulin. I have not had any issues with nausea or drinking. The worst thing so far is the gas and the aftertaste it puts in my mouth. I gave up on plain broth today; the taste was just to nasty and opened a can of chicken and rice soup strained and heated the broth and ate that, dang it was good. That was an hour ago and so far the spices have not caused an issue. Guess this is enough for now   Terry

About Me
San Antonio, TX
Surgery Date
Jan 19, 2006
Member Since

Friends 8

Latest Blog 9
