Experience and Info on LapBand

Mar 05, 2008

Sharing the knowledge that was given to me!

Prior to receiving an EFFECTIVE fill, it is VERY uncommon to have any restriction from a Lap-Band. Some patients will NOT lose weight, or may even GAIN weight until they have received an effective fill in their Lap-Band.

Normal weight loss with a properly restricted Lap-Band is between 1 and 2 pounds per week.

The normal cycle of fills, restriction and weight loss is as follows:

1. The patient's Lap-Band constricts when the patient receives a fill. Swelling for a few days after receiving a fill is very common. Many doctors require a patient to go on a liquid diet for a day or two after receiving a fill. A fill may have a “Delayed Action” of up to 4 weeks. A “Delayed-Action” means that the fill may not become effective for up to 4 weeks after the fill. That is why the ALLERGAN protocol states that fills should not be performed on patients who will not have access to medical care for at least two weeks after a fill.

2. The patient's stomach capacity is lessened as a result of the restriction caused by the Lap-Band.

3. The patient loses weight because they cannot eat as much food.

4. The residual fat-pad between the inside of the Lap-Band and the outside of the patient's stomach reduces in size because of the overall weight loss in the patient.

5. The reduction of the residual fat-pad causes the Lap-Band to become loose again.

6. At that point, the patient needs another fill, because the Lap-Band is loose, and the patient has a loss of restriction, which allows the patient to eat larger amounts of food.

7. The patient receives another fill and the process starts all over again.

Most Lap-Band patients receive several fills to adjust the Lap-Band as their weight loss progresses, and there is less and less residual fat-pad between the inside of the Lap-Band and the exterior of the stomach wall. Once a patient has lost all of their residual fat-pad, fills become less common. As the Lap-Band patient progresses in their weight loss, the effect of very tiny fills (Less than .2ccs) becomes greater and greater.

It is not uncommon for a late-stage Lap-Band patient to experience a significant difference in restriction with as little as .05cc of fill.

Meals 3/5/2008

Mar 04, 2008

Breakfast:  1 egg
                  1 small banana

Lunch:  1 cup tomatoe soup

snack: 1 small banana


    12 minutes on treadmill
    10 minutes on elliptical
    10 minutes on bike
= 32 minutes
Walked up the stairs to my office 2x's.

NSV      scale dropped...BMI dropped...it is unofficially at 39.1 BMI. I would not qualify for the surgery...if insurance was paying for it...!

Bandster Friendly Peanut Butter Cookies

Mar 04, 2008

No Flour Peanut Butter Cookies

1 cup of peanut butter
1/2 cup of splenda
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
1 egg

Mix first four ingredients well and add the egg. 
Spoon onto the baking sheet.
Bake at 350 degrees for 10 to 12 minutes.
Makes 12 - 3inch cookies.

Calories 65
Fat 5g
Sat Fat 1g
Carbohydrates 2g
Fiber 1g
Protein 3g


3/4/08 Meals

Mar 04, 2008

Breakfast: oatmeal and some unsweetened fruit cocktail (canned)

Lunch:  1 cup of mixed grilled chicken and steamed veggies(leftovers)
    and some unsweetened fruit cocktail


    35:35 minutes on treadmill

3/3/08 Meals

Mar 02, 2008

Breakfast:  Dannon Light & Fit Yogurt 45 calories

Lunch:  1 cup of mixed grilled chicken and veggies

snack:  sf jello 10 calories

Dinner: 1cup of mixed grilled chicken and steamed veggies

Snack: homemade bander friendly peanut butter cookie


3/2/08 Meals

Mar 02, 2008

Breakfast:  Dannon Light & Fit Yogurt 4oz 45 calories
                 Small Banana

Lunch:  Left overs from the night before from TGIF.
ate only 1 cup and threw away the remainder of that meal.

Dinner:  Ate about 5 Reeses's Peanut butter cups
            Ate some crumbling white cheese
             Ate a cup of Veggies and Grilled Chicken

Snack:  Ate 1 cup of mixed sf jello and sf fruit cocktail with a bit of whip cream

Pb'd some of that back up....

   None...Day off

3/1/08 Meals

Mar 02, 2008

Breakfast: Dannon Light & Fit Yogurt 45 calories

Lunch: Nothing...water.....don't yell was at the Georgia Aquarium and my child was jumping and running all over the place with excitement that she refused to eat...I was going to make her until I saw what their cafeteria food was like...and we all agreed hunger was still at bay so we would eat after we left the aquarium. (food was crazy loaaded with fat and empty calories)...no way I was eating that...

Dinner:  Ate at T.G.I.F(Friday's) and ordered grilled chicken breast with cheese and veggies....ate about 1/3 of it...and that's it....
Took 2/3 of it as left overs...and the dessert that came with it too.
Gave the desserts to my daughter and niece...
Ate another 1/3 for lunch on Sunday and threw away the rest.....
NSV:  What do you know ...first time for everything....
Realizing that when my order came in I had enough sense to request a takeout plate and separate the food I was going to eat 1cup from the leftovers and bag it before I even began to eat what I was going to eat...!
Major accomplishment for me!

    45 minutes on treadmill

2/29/08 Meals

Feb 29, 2008

Breakfast:       8oz Protein Shake

Lunch:  1/2 cup of mixed cottage cheese and unsweetened fruit cocktail

Snack:  8oz Protein Shake


5 day post check

Feb 28, 2008

I found this on LBT website. It is a pouch test to either reset your diet, test your pouch and your weightloss it is also a good indicator if you need a fill or not...

check it out....here is the link

2/28/08 Meals

Feb 28, 2008

After my binge with candy episode I am trying to gain control.
I am doing good today....so far...

4oz non-fat yogurt
1 small banana (ate half)

Mid Morning;
8oz Protein Shake

1cup of Campbell's Tomato Soup(I love it)
with some mozzarella cheese melted in it.

Haven't drank my shake yet...don't think I need it neither. But will do because today I go to class and won't be able to eat a meal.....probably grap pudding or jello for dinner.


About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 02, 2008
Member Since

Friends 24

Latest Blog 56
Experience and Info on LapBand
Meals 3/5/2008
Bandster Friendly Peanut Butter Cookies
3/4/08 Meals
3/3/08 Meals
3/2/08 Meals
3/1/08 Meals
2/29/08 Meals
5 day post check
2/28/08 Meals
