Diane D. 21 years, 10 months ago

WOW! Congrats on your success. Sometimes we get frustrated with plateaus, but it's part of the journey. You are such a loser :)

kylakae 21 years, 10 months ago

Congratulations, Robin, you are doing awesome! Woohoo!

majestikbutterfly 21 years, 10 months ago

^j^ Double duty angel fluttering by! I seen Robin last week at our surgeons office. WOW!!!! I almost didn't recognize her. She has lost over 60 lbs. so far and boy can you tell!!! She cut her hair and looked sooo pretty! We sat in the waiting room and talked. I noticed that she crossed her legs and mentioned it. She said she couldn't before so now she does it all the time. She has been on a platue for I think 3 weeks now, so the nurse gave her some suggestions. But wow.... You look beautiful Robin!! You are doing great! Everyone congratulate Robin on such a great success! Hope to see ya at the support meeting this month. Much luv and huggggsss.....

majestikbutterfly 22 years, 2 months ago

^j^ Angel whisping by ^j^ Just want to announce... (((Horn tooting))) Robin has lost so far 20 lbs, FOREVER!! Great job kiddo!!

RobinLPN. 22 years, 2 months ago

Yeah!! I did it I have made it to the other side! First I truly want to thank my "Angel" Michelle aka Majestic Butterfly what a wonderful lady you are you've kept everyone updated on me and been so thoughtful and kind. I can't wait till your big day so we can start to share all the ins and outs of our new life. Everyone thank you a hundred times for all the good thoughts, advice and prayers sent my way. To update now, today I am nine days post op (3-27-02)and feeling almost like myself.Surgery day, preop no complaints. Surgery suite,smiling faces take a few deep breaths out like a light! Recovery,moaning some pain,given something IV. Out again. Next awake in my roon NOT private as planned,another RNY Pt. who was very nauseated and NOT happy I was there. Groggy,PCA for pain control,well under control. I had 4 tiny incisions covered with steri strips. and a JP drain in another site so "5" tiny incisions total. Did well till 2:30 AM, awakened out of a dead sleep with the most horrible muscle spasam in my stomach I rated that pain at a "10+" nurses very very very slow to get me new pain med. I was in tears.I told them I could have walked down to the hospital pharmacy myself and got the med. faster than they did. They forgot to tell me not to use my PCA for awhile and since the new med took some time to work I kept pushing the PCA button. WEll it's true you can't overdose yourself but you can what they call "SNOW" yourself. So by 8:00AM. I was taken off all pain meds till I was more awake! :o) That was my only excitement. The rest of the stay was deep breathing walking the halls and trying to drink on a tummy that felt VERY full. My doctor,David Richards was great. The nutritionist Cathy Camp was the best. She visited me in the hospital and has called me at home,as well as the staff at Dr. Richards to make sure I am doing okay. Thursday I go for my post op check so will post again soon. Thanks again for all the love you guys shared with me.God Bless You. Robin

BrendaSinger 22 years, 3 months ago

<font face="Veranda"><font color="maroon"><b>~~~~Here's to a quick happy recovery. As YOUR day comes and goes...Remember to walk, drink, and cough as much as you can drag your butt to do! You will be surprised at how much it will help...You can do it! Many prayers sent your way. God Bless us each and everyone. <br>Visit my profile...I have lots of great info you can check out that may be of interest.<br> </b></font></font><font face="Signature"><font size="+2">~~Brenda~~</font size></font face>

Barbara W. 22 years, 3 months ago

Hi Robin, i'm so happy for you as you begin your new life and also so pleased to hear that your recovery is going well... walk walk walk and try to get in all your water!!!! and please remind me of that post op too lol... hugs Barbara 474/open rny 4-25-02

majestikbutterfly 22 years, 3 months ago

^j^Angel fluttering down^j^ Just wanted to say that Robin has been home and doing pretty good. Tomorrow, she will be one week post-op. My how time flies!! Robin, you are doing great kiddo!! Keep up the great work! ^j^Angel fluttering away^j^

majestikbutterfly 22 years, 3 months ago

^j^ Angel making a landing! I spoke to Robin finally. She sounded in very good spirits. She was nausous after gulping her first taste of juice after surgery, but otherwise, everything seems to be going very well. So glad you made it to the other side Robin!! Now go home and rest up cuz your new life begins!!

Patty H. 22 years, 3 months ago

Robin-May God Bless You during this important time in your life. Keep us posted as you go through your journey. Patty Hafer
About Me
littletown in Ohio, OH
Surgery Date
Jan 23, 2002
Member Since
