David E. Bruce

"Dr, Bruce came off has a very nice guy, Heard good things about him. rnSeen the man twice before my surgery. rnOffice was ok.rnI could never recommend him to operate on a Dog. rnHe did the surgery and 2 days later they found out he had left a leak and states when i'm sitting in the hall dying that he must have skipped a stich.......rnrnAfter being in the hospital 14 days, in intensive care on a vent, I saw the man the 2 times for surgery and the day I left.rnrnNothing else from him. I never saw him again in the office, the other doctor took care of me. rnrnThis is, only twice I went back. My pcp is taking care of me.rnrnCan not recommend him for anything."
About Me
Carlisle, OH
Nov 20, 2006
Member Since
