My name is Bre and choosing to have the weight loss surgery was the absolute BEST decision I have ever made for myself. I was an athlete in High School and College but always had a bit of a struggle with my weight when I was in the "off season". After college, I started working and my weight would fluctuate dramatically. I am 5'10'' and I would fluctuate from 200lbs to 250. 

In about 2007 (4 years after college graduation), I hit a high of 279lbs. I was miserable. I desperately tried to loose weight on my own by trying the Atkins Diet, South Beach, Dr. Phil Diet, etc... I had some success and some failures. Either way, my weight kept creeping up. I started and paid a lot of money with Medifast. I went from about 275 down to 225 or so. It was progress and I was proud BUT I wasn't anywhere close to where I needed to be. About a year later, I had gained all of that weight back. 

I started trying some of the faster diets like different cleanses, detoxes, and even the HCG diet. All of that yo-yo dieting really took a toll on my weight and my thyroid malfunctioned and I gained almost an extra 100 lbs within one year! I was devestated and dissipointed in myself. Thinking about losing all of that weight by myself was going to be nearly impossible. I had to accept and admit defeat. 

I started looking into weight loss surgery. I did a TON of research and decided on the DS. I had my surgery in December of 2010. I followed the pre-surgery diet, and the post surgery diet. I went from 343 lbs. down to about 153. I went from a size 26 to a solid 6. 

Since then I gained my "bounce back" weight and hit a max of 176. I started cleaning my diet up a little bit and have maintained a weight of 165-173 since then. 

My entire life has changed completely. Everyone that has ever known how it feels to be really heavy will understand how the simple things can change your entire life enjoyment. I have actual energy, I can tie my shoes without getting out of breath, I can walk up stairs without breaking out into a sweat, I have more confidence, people do not look at me as lazy or dirty (it was never acceptable that people view overweight people like that but unfortunately, the ignorant or mean,do). Also, shopping is FUN now!! Everything I put on is in the "regular" size section of the store. Complete freedom. 

The decision for weight loss surgery was the best personal decision I ever made. I learned so much from this site when I first began my journey and have returned to hopefully be of assistance and motivation to anyone looking into having a life-changing surgery for their health. 

I really hope that anyone really consierdering this do their research. Surgery is not the best solution for everyone BUT it is a great option for those that really need it. 

Good Luck and Cheers to being healthy!!


About Me
Nov 10, 2016
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