DixieDarling posted a discussion topic 13 years ago
Suggestions For Exercises For A Wide Rear - I have arthritis in both knees and am starting an exercise program at work.  I have wide hips and saddle bags.  Any suggestions on some low-impact exercises to tone these areas?   ...

DixieDarling posted a discussion topic 13 years ago
What Liquids Count As Part of Water Intake? - Do broth and ice tea count as part of our water intake?

DixieDarling wrote a blog post 13 years ago
Mikey Is Off To The Great Feather Bed In The Sky - Lost my dear companion, Mikey, to congenital heart problem, on November 8.  He was a gentle little Chi that loved his soft beds, which were numerous throughout the house.  My siste...

DixieDarling posted a discussion topic 13 years ago
Intestional Hernia Surgery - I had surgery Thursday, week ago and still bloated.  Anyone out there had this type of surgery, how long does the bloating last?  Should I be concerned?

DixieDarling posted a discussion topic 13 years ago
Calories In Broth vs Eating The Food - I'm on a liquid diet and have a question about calories.  When I make fresh beef broth, am I getting the same number of calories from the beef as I would if I ate the beef?

DixieDarling posted a discussion topic 13 years ago
How Much Is Too Much Water? - Yesterday I had intestional hernia surgery.  I am on a liquid diet; my mouth has a metallic taste and I am supposed to get in more water.  I am very dehydrated from the sickness th...

DixieDarling posted a discussion topic 13 years, 1 month ago
Hernia surgery tomorrow - I've developed an intestional hernia and will be having surgery tomorrow (hopefully laproscopy).  Has anyone had this surgery and how did the recovery go?

DixieDarling posted a discussion topic 13 years, 1 month ago
Fed Up With Unflavored Protein Powders! HELP!!! - My doc wants me to use the whey-based powder; however, most have too much of a powdered milk taste for me.  Have tried Unjury and that taste just gags me.  Anyone else tried any th...

DixieDarling posted a discussion topic 13 years, 1 month ago
Which vitamins may be taken together? - Been off all supplements forever.  Doc said I am low on everything.  I bought a supply of everything yesterday; however, I remember there are some vits and supplements that may not...

DixieDarling wrote a blog post 14 years, 1 month ago
Made My Weight Loss Goal - So far, I've lost 202 lbs.  Need to lose another 35 lbs.
About Me
Douglasville, GA
Surgery Date
Dec 19, 2007
Member Since

Friends 10

Latest Blog 11
Progress Made
Three Week Stall - Outta Here!
Off To A Good Start
Thank GOD it's over!
Tomorrow is the DAY!
Last Check-up - Everything's a GO!
Things are moving FAST!
I have a date!!!
