January 31, 2007 was the starting point to what I believe will be my new healthy life. That was the day that I met my surgeon, Dr. Glatt. Our visit left me feeling that I can live a healthy life with less meds. He gave me the options of lap-band or rny procedures. After weighing the pros and cons of both a decision was made to go for the rny. Now the waiting begins.

February 19, 2007 was a long day for me. The MMPI test. That must have been one of the longest test or evaluations or whatever they call it, that I have done. Those 500+ T-F. Oh well that is over and all is fine. This was the last thing that my insurance company (BC/BS) requires. I already have dietician documentation and weight documentation. So I guess now one of my many waiting begins. 

May 4, 2007 I finally got approved. I got an appointment for pre-op on May 15, and FINALLY a date..May 23rd. Now my life is starting over and it will be healthier.

About Me
Tornoto, SD
Surgery Date
Feb 23, 2007
Member Since

Friends 4
