23 rd Day Post Op

Jan 04, 2016

It's January 4th. 2016. My surgery was December the 14th. Now Doc C did warn me the first day was gonna be really hard and I was ready. Or, so I thought. Turns out I wasn't. But toughed my way through it like a champ. Now 23 days post op and I'm feeling much better. Today is my first day back at the office. Even if it is just for a short while. And I try to get up as often as I can and walk around. So let's see October 13th I weighted in at around 315 pounds and now I'm 254.2. So Basically I've lost 60.8 pounds since October the 13th. Not bad at all. I walk alot but find most of my issue is remembering to eat. Something I never thought I would say. I still get backaches when sitting or standing a particular way but I'm giving it my all. I also have been getting little headaches but I believe that to be a med side effect. I have to try to remember to call the support group lady. She was nice enough to visit me in the hospitial, the least I can do is call her and touch base. Although I feel like it pretty much becomes habit after a while. What you eat and do. It's become hard to keep my journal after about 100 days, because I do the same thing every day, over and over. It just becomes habit and you don't think about it as much anymore. 

I was worried a little bit at first about getting my staples out, but it was a walk in the park. The nurse was very gentle and talked to me while she did it. I hardly noticed, and that made me feel better. One thing I have noticed is that it is taking me a long time to get my energy back. And I for one am very happy about that one hour nap before the kids get home. I have to be honest there are times when it's hard and times I feel great but I feel sure that the great feelings will overcome the tired ones. 

It's all just a matter of doing what your directed to, and looking past that day your in and into the future.


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November 4th, 2015

Nov 04, 2015

The spell check on this journaling system is not working. As well as comments carry over to Journal entries they don't even belong to. Really?! As a designer and animator this system is flawed seriously. 


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November 3rd, 2015

Nov 03, 2015

Well, here we go again. It's Tuesday, November 3rd and today I have another Dr. appointment. My Primary Care Dr.'s office. Today's visit is one of the toughest for me because it's at my Primary Care Dr. Or at least, it was my Primary Care Dr. It's at an office He worked at, even though it is still my Primary Care, he has since passed. He was a great Dr. and before I decided that surgery was really the only option for someone as heavy as me, he helped me lose the first pounds on this journey. He was a great man who always had a smile in his eyes and always treated me like he really cared. I really think in my 44 years of life he was the best Dr. I have known, so far. Not only did he help me but he also felt like a friend. When I would have a health question, related to my animation work he would laugh and tell me how it worked. I knew nothing about medical terms, so his help really did help. It was nice to know I was sending an animation out into the world that was at least acurate. I never saw him outside the office but he still felt like a friend. Anyway, that's today. The best I can do is take a deep breath and go. It makes me realize early on, that I am going to meet a lot of people on my journey. Some even fighting the same battle as me. And that I should treasure those people. 

But, on the bright side... the other day I made my first goal. To get into a size smaller jeans. Well, last night while at Target I realized something, I already do. I don't have to lay on my bed and fasten them, I can even bend my knees. So, Goal One Complete. Next goal To walk more. To get in my two miles a day, on my walking watch. For a whole week. 

Well, I hope this find's you well. Who ever's out there. 


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