My Lifelong Journey

Jul 01, 2007

"Put your shoes back on, Kid. You're too fat for our moonwalk!" Those words still sting in my mind 38 years after that carnie said them to me as I stood in line waiting for the most popular attraction at the county fair and carnival that year. I was age 10. I remember putting on my shoes quickly and running to the comforting side of my father, who was unaware of what had just happened. Had I told him, he may have had words with the guy, but I just wanted to get away from the area. I have been overweight all my life, and once I attain my goal of 185, (maybe less, who knows?) I will weigh less than I did going into jr high. 
Anyway, I was hurt many times in my life by stinging comments that cut like a knife, but I developed a tough exterior and turned to food to comfort me in private.
I didn't go through life as a hermit, however. After high school, I went to college and then became a probation officer , a job I both loved and loathed at times. Then, in July, 2005, my world came crashing down when I shattered my foot. It was then I found out I was a diabetic and worse, that I have a condition called charcot foot, a crippling foot condition that requires the use of a special boot and special shoes the rest of my life. Many end up in wheelchairs, but I am convinced God has many things planned for me in this life, and sitting around all day feeling sorry for myself is not one of them! Though I am 'disabled', I refuse to let that stop me. In September, I begin work on my masters degree in Christian counseling, and am also taking sign language classes. My classes start one month after my RNY surgery, which is scheduled for August 6th, so I am grateful I won't miss any class due to surgery and recovery! 
Anyway, my hobbies include gardening, photography (even though I am illiterate when it comes to posting on the computer!) and taking care of animals. I volunteer the animal shelter here, and it is my passion! I am married with four furry 'children'. Bosley and Abby are Boston Terriers, Barkley is a Great Pyrenees/Newfoundland cross, and Spirit, our newbie, is a Bassett Hound/Chocolate Lab cross. The latter two are rescue dogs, and both have turned out to be wonderful loving kids, despite Spirit not yet quite understanding that you don't drag in sticks from outdoors and bring them in on Mom's newly cleaned carpet and chew them under the dining room table! 
I am a pretty outgoing person and try to maintain a good attitude. I attribute all my happiness to my relationship with my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. He is my rock and my foundation, and has gotten me through the lowest times in my life!  For any ofyou struggling with issues, Psalms 91 has always been incredibly soothing for me, as it could be for you as well. I hope to be an inspiration to others on this message board, and expect to get to know a lot of you! May God Bless each and every one of you!

About Me
Jun 29, 2007
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My Lifelong Journey
