April 5, 2003 - Met with Dr. Nusbaum. What a personable doctor. I am definately going forward with the surgery. It's time to gain control of myself and my life. Insurance paperwork being submitted this week. Dr. Nusbaum was kind, very patient and answered every question I had. I would strongly recommend him to anyone consider surgery. Really took the time to listen to concerns.

April 21, 2003- Insurance paperwork sent in by Doctor's office. Awaiting approval. Fingers crossed I hear something soon.

May 7, 2003 - Insurance approved my surgery. Scheduled for June 24, 2003.

June 23, 2003 - Tomorrow is the BIG DAY. I can't wait to get past tomorrow and start a new beginning. It has been a long weekend. I am excited, anxious and yes ...a bit scared. I think it is normal though to be a little apprehensive. This is a major lifestyle change and it is forever. I am ready to go. Thanks to everyone who has posted well wishes on my page. I truly appreciate it.

June 30, 2003 - Here I am! I made it through with no problems. My surgeon said it was a text book surgery. I didn't feel much pain except for the first evening. Haven't taken any pain meds since 2nd day in hospital. Feeling very good.

July 12, 2003 - Just over two weeks Post Op and down 24lbs. I feel good. Just a bit tired. Had a couple very bad dizzy spells. Not enough water it seems. Tolerating full liquids now with no adverse reactions.

July 27, 2003 - Almost 5 weeks post op. Down 38 pounds. Had a bit of a struggle with soft foods..tuna salad and chicken were evil this week. YUCK! Staying away from chicken for a while I think. Had some tuna that cooperated today. Getting a bit tired of soups, cottage cheese, yogurt. I want to take the progression to other foods very slowly. I think I was rushing it a bit. Went to the store and tried on tops two sizes smaller. YIIPPPEE!

August 23, 2003 - Two months out from surgery date and down 52 pounds and over 25 inches lost overall. I feel very good. Trying different foods weekly. Still not having much success with chicken. Steak is good. Very, very small pieces.

September 23, 2003 - One day short of three months out since my 'new beginning'. Down 70 pounds and 40 inches overall. The transformation is really amazing at times. I still can't believe I have lost this much weight. Surprises me at times. Still don't eat chicken. Can't even look at it. I have tried different foods with success. Just fearful of getting ill at work. I stay with the tried and true there. Not one regret over having the surgery. My incisions are 'nice looking'. No soreness or pain. It's amazing how much better I feel..from walking up a few flights of stairs and not getting out of breath to being able to play with my son.

October 24, 2003 - Four months have passed since my surgery. I am down 85 lbs and nearly 50 inches lost overall. I feel well. Eating enough protein is still a challenge at times. I have noticed some hair lose as predicted. But nothing extreme. I have more energy and don't get as tired as I used to. I can't believe that it's four months already. I have recently gone clothes shopping since I am rapidly running out of things to wear. Down 6 sizes. It was a bit overwhelming trying on things that I would have never considered wearing in the past. The mental aspects of this surgery are more of a challenge than the physical. Your 'head' still thinks BIG even though you get much smaller. Every day is an adventure!

November 24, 2003 - Fifth month anniversary today. I have lost a total of 96 lbs to date and over 52 inches. Feeling really well. Getting used to my new body. When can I have plastic surgery? I know it is too early for that but sagging skin is ugly. Saw some people over the weekend that I haven't seen in nearly a year. They barely recognized me. It was quite funny. I guess I really do look different!

January 6, 2004 - Just hit the 6 months mark. 104 pounds gone! I feel really well. Traveled out of the USA over the holidays. Packed my protein bars just in case. Didn't get enough water though and I am sure that it slowed my weight loss. Looking forward to a healthy 2004.

February 20, 2004 - A few days short of 8 months since my surgery. Where has the time and weight gone? A total of 113 pounds down and nearly 60 inches overall. I just celebrated my 40th birthday and I don't ever remember weighing what I do now. Funny I still feel much 'bigger' at times. My 'head' is slowly catching up to the reality of being smaller...much smaller in size. It's strange to not go for the larger sizes. I finally parted with my last few favorite pieces of clothing that were too large for me. Why I was holding on to them is a mystery. It was like saying good-bye to an old friend. When I try on clothing now it takes a second thought to go for the size 14, I keep doubting that an item will fit and when it does it's still a surprise. Hard to put this transformation into words at times. I'm tolerating most foods well. That scares me! But definately can't have large portions. Me and my take away containers are a common site.

April 15, 2004 - Just a few days short of the my 10 month anniversary. I have lost a total of 116lbs. I have to really start increasing my exercise. My weight loss is very slow. I feel better if I eat smaller 'meals' throughout the day. My water intake isn't nearly enough, so I am to blame for that. I have really tried to make an effort to get back on track with my water. It definately impacts my ssllooowwww weight loss. I am still very pleased with my results and don't regret for a moment that I have had this surgery. People who think this surgery is a 'quick fix' are certainly wrong. My weight and the control of it will always be a challenge for me, however, this surgery has given me a valuable tool so I can sustain a healthier lifestyle. For that I am very thankful.

May 3, 2004 - Just two weeks since my last update. I have finally had an increase in my weight loss. I have now hit the 120 pound mark! Yahoo! I have been cutting out carbs, and drinking much more water (where is the nearest bathroom?). Seems to have paid off. Time to update my picture too.

September 8, 2004 - Long time no update. Busy summer here...trying to sell my home and then some travel for work to India and Florida. I am down 130 lbs! My trip to India proved interesting in regards to my food intake. I ate mostly vegetarian and lots of bottled water. I actually lost some weight while I was there. I feel good, fit into size 12s! Yahoo! A big clothing moment for me. I am still having some issues with not realizing what 'size' I am now. I still can't believe I have gotten to this size. Body image is certainly an issue for me. I think I am more self conscious about my body now then when I was larger.

February 18, 2005 - Contemplating a tummy tuck. Of course I would like a total body lift.I am going for a plastic surgery consultation regarding all my options in two weeks. I feel really good. My body seems to 'shift' the remaining fat around it seems. Maybe it's just gravity doing it's thing. I celebrated my 41st birthday last month. Funny I don't feel my age, I have to say having this surgery was the best gift I have ever given myself. I had a recent check up with Dr. Nusbaum. Everything was well. He was very pleased on my progress. I would like to lose atleast another 20lbs, Dr. Nusbaum thinks that is very aggresive, but I am really think I can do it.I just have to get my lazy butt into an exercise routine. I thought I had developed a hernia, however, it turned out to be some scar tissue from the c-section I had 2 1/2 years ago.

April 7, 2006 - Long time no update. I have made the decision to have plastic surgery for excess skin on my tummy and arms. I just got approved for getting my abs/tummy done. I can't believe I got approved. My arms aren't covered, however, tummy/abs will be. I am looking to scheduling surgery this summer.

May 5, 2006 - I have a surgery date...Bring it on..I am so ready to get rid of this excess skin.

December 1, 2006 - Nearly six months post plastic surgery. I have lost an additional 15 pounds..10 pounds were a result of the surgery. Lots of excess skin there. being able to feel your pelvic bones..what a thrill. Who would have thought! No complications from surgery. All went very, very well. Even though having arms and tummy tuck done at the same time was a bit challenging in the beginning. A few 'what was I thinking' moments. But that passed soon enough. I am very happy with my results.

March 9 2007 - Minor adjustment done to my right arm. In office procedure went well. I highly recommend Dr. Robert Kevitch. If anyone wants a great plastic surgeon he's one of the best. Great bedside manner, very calming personality, patient, and highly talented. I spoke to a lot of people in the Lehigh Valley before getting a consulation with him. Many medical professionals suggested him right from the start. Thinking about the pros/cons of getting my thighs done next.

About Me
Macungie, PA
Surgery Date
Mar 31, 2003
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
June 23, 2003 - The night before my surgery.
June 2005 --- 2 Yrs Post-Op & 135 pounds lost !

Friends 1
