Eating to live, not living to eat...

Mar 21, 2007

That statement is definately true...the liquid protein diet is not desireable...the protein drinks are okay, but not remarkable...the sf pudding is good, and the applesauce is flavorless, I haven't ventured to the yogurt yet...but sf jello is my favorite...tonight I will try the fat free cream of tomato soup for my supper...but can it be eaten without crackers...that will be the true test.  I'm the type of girl who like a little soup with her crackers...

Well, I'm off to my Surgery Clearance Appointment...wish me luck... and we are 11 days and counting...


The Tests

Mar 20, 2007

Hello, I'm back.  I just finished a series of test over the last two days...EKG, Pulmonary, Cardiolite/Stress, Gallbladder Ultrasound, Chest X-Rays and blood work.  It's been a stressful couple of days, but I can take it...the roughest part of the past two days was after the stress test I started having a coughing fit...I coughed so hard I peed my pants and puked...that made the pulmonary test even harder because my throat hurt.  Two weeks from today at this time I will be on the otherside.  YAHOO!   I start my pre-surgery liquid diet my last official meal was my favorite mexican...

I did have my last big meal on Sunday with my family and friends, we went to Texas Roadhouse.  It was also the third anniversary of my husbands passing.  I made a toast and stated that three years ago my life changed drastically and here we are three year later and it's about to undergo another big change...I know Bubba would be proud that I was doing something for my health.  Even though he loved me the way I was, he was always afraid my health would get the best of me.  

Well, I need to get my meals prepared for tomorrow, I will keep this updated as things progress.  

Thanks to all my supporters...I couldn't do it without ya...

"Houston, We have a change"

Mar 15, 2007

You guessed it...they have changed the date of my surgery...I was at work on Tuesday when one of my girls called upstairs to where I was making copies to tell me the bariatric center had called and they need to speak with me right away...of course my heart sank...I thought "oh no, insurance has changed it's mind and my bubble was about to be burst..."   Well, I RAN down stairs to call them back only to find they had already left for the day...I was confused..."need to speak to me right away", then you leave...what a way to leave a girl hangin'...but then I noticed my voicemail light flashing...

I retrieved the voicemail and it was the center letting me know they have changed my date to Tuesday, April 3rd....OMG!  Talk about happy dance...I was boogalooing all over my office....then it was like a cloud had been lifted...the five week wait had just been reduced to 3 weeks... You know, the center told me that it was impossible to have the surgery over spring break (April 2-9), but through God all things are possible....I will have to give him all the Glory for this change....God is great.

Then some reality struck, this meant the liquid diet was going to start March 21, and not April 2nd....WOW...I only have a few days to get in my favorite foods before they are off limits.   Well, at least off limits in the mass quanities that I've been used to for forty-three years.  

Sunday after church will be my last official unrestricted meal.  Where am I going to go....Mom's for beef & noodles, mashed potatoes, to Puerto Vallard for mexican, Texas Roadhouse for steak and baked potato...decisions, decisions, decisions....

Well, I begin the pre-op testing on Monday, I have 8 tests next week and one the following week...then a surgerical clearance appt. and then the big dance....Lookout World here she comes...the new improved, healthier, sexy, diva that I know is packed under all those pounds.  Men will want me, women will envy me, but DWBF will have me...sorry lose....LOL

Until next time my friends,

Good things come to those who wait...

Mar 11, 2007

I've got a surgery date!!!! April 16, 2007 I will officially begin life on the otherside.  This day has been 604 days in the making.  Lots of tears, lots of frustration, but well worth it. I am ready, I am not scared, and I am faithful.  Everyone who has concerns are like "aren't you afraid?".  No, I'm not afraid, it's a win win situation.  I have the surgery, become healthier, happier and live longer-WIN! or God has a bigger plan for me and I get to join him in paradice-WIN! So, am I afraid, Never!  God is good, All the time, All the time, God is Good!  Keep me in your prayers. 

It's just a matter of time now!

Jan 09, 2007

Well, I got a somewhat encouraging email this afternoon from the bariatric office.  Seems that I don't need pre-approval, insurance says that I should have the surgery and if I have met the critria they will pay.  My concern was, okay but will the hospital do the surgery without pre-approval....YES THEY WILL!!!!!!! YAHOO....

I leave on vacation happy that in a matter of weeks I could be "takin' a walk on the wild side"....LOL.   I know there have been many prayers for me over the course of the last year and they told me that God had a reason for making me wait...and to be patient, he will show you when it's time.  Now I know why...the New program at BMH is fabulous.  Mary, Cindy, Dr. Sprunger and Dr. Broderick have been so wonderful and I don't feel like "just another number in the herd".  They are very, very patient oriented and personable, I appreciate that.  I look forward to the next couple of months and know that by this time next year I will feel alot better and be more healthy...that is the goal.  I don't want to be chemically dependent the rest of my life.  

I will update after I return....Good luck to those who are nearing their scheduled dates, may God bless and keep you.  We must give his all the glory for the surgeons and nurses who we intrust our lives too.

It's Time for a Break...

Jan 05, 2007

Well, I'm sitting here reading all these wonderful and inspirational stories...hoping I can soon be one of them.  

But for now, I will be patient and my time will come when the good Lord feels it's time.  

So in the mean time, I'm gonna hop a plane to the sunshine state for a little rest and relaxation...hopefully my last year in Florida as a obese person...maybe next year I'll be wearing a bikini......NOT! Swimsuit yes, bikini no way...

Happy Saturday...

About Me
Hartford City, IN
Jul 12, 2005
Member Since

Friends 8

Latest Blog 26
Okay, I know it's been awhile...
Long time coming...
Starting #26
Only 15lbs from 2nd goal...
Missed it by one...
Please forgive me...
Three new pair of jeans...
A whole new wardrobe...
A Quarter of the way there...
Coming upon my first month as a loser...
