On July 10, 2012 my husband & I went to our 1st Weight Loss Seminar in Shorts Hills, NJ.  I loved everything that I heard from one of the surgeon's along with one of the patients. My 1st doctors appointment was on Tuesday, July 17 in which I met with
the Insurance Navigator, Surgeon and Nutritionist.  I heard from my Insurance Navigator a couple of days later and was informed
the my insurance company has approved of my surgery and once I saw:
Had bloodwork drawn
2nd Surgeon
Chest XRays and EKG
I was cleared and ready to have surgery.  At the point was the only time that I started getting nervous because although I wanted
this surgery knowing that my date was around the corner made me nervous and excited all at the same time.  My insurance
Navigator gave me a date of 9-12-2012.  

My husband and I were up at the hospital on Wednesday, September 12th at 6:30am since my surgery was scheduled at 8:30am.  Once I was all prepped my husband came back to sit with me and as soon as the surgeon, 2 nurses and anesthesiologist came to talk to me I started crying because I got very nervous.  I knew I was in good hands but who wants to 
go under anesthesia?  Well approximately 1 1/2 - 2hrs later I woke up in recovery as a new woman.

I have tried so many exercise programs in the past and would gain the weight right back.  I love going to the gym.  I do have a membership and actually had a personal trainer.  My trainer injured my back on November 8, 2011 and that was the straw that
broke the camels back.  Now I was sitting home and immediately picked up 10lbs because under my Physical Therapist advice I was not able to move my mid section.  I thought long and hard about surgery and didn't want my weight to spiral too far out of control.  I can truly say that now I am proud of who I see when I look in the mirror.  I am loving my self more.  My husband and children has always had me on a pedestal and didn't think anything was wrong with my weight but with me on the pedestal and looking healthy there is no stopping me.  I LOVE MY LIFE!!! 

About Me
Oct 16, 2012
Member Since

Friends 4
