Hello, I just had a Roux en Y Gastric Bypass on 12/6/17 and I'm very excited to take this journey after years of struggling with my weight. Ever since I had kids (a long time ago), it has been impossible to lose weight. I used to run, go to the gym, I'm a vegetarian, etc. my highest weight was 221, lowest was 170. I would always gain back what I had lost and the last 5 years could never get below 200. My joints hurt, my feet were painful, so I felt this was my only hope. I joined this group to give and recieve support, learn about other patients progress and share mine. I'm 1 week post op tomorrow and so far I'm feeling much better than expected. Hoping the weight starts dropping off very soon as long as I follow the plan! 

About Me
Surgery Date
Dec 12, 2017
Member Since
