6 months Dr visit

Nov 06, 2011

Okay.... so I don't "officially" hit the 6 mos mark until Nov 18th, but I had the milestone appt with my nutritionist and nurse practitioner on Friday.  I weighed in at 2 lbs BELOW my doctor's goal.  Wooooo Whoooo!!!! I still have around 13-14 lbs more to go to reach my personal goal, but achieving the doctor's goal this quickly is awesome!!!  The nurse was pleased with my blood work-up.  So.... that is another big PLUS!!! yeah!!!!

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Sep 17, 2011

Well......My mind is still trying to catch up with the changes in my body.  I love and appreciate all the positive comments and feedback, but sometimes I have a hard time "believing" it myself.

Albeit slightly overdue, I went to see my surgeon, David Spencer, this past Friday for my three month follow-up.  All my labs came back great (whew!!!) and he was very pleased with my progress.  In fact, I have lost 83% of my goal weight which means that  I am months ahead of schedule. 

Something "amazing" happened last night:  My wedding diamond came off!!!! Why am I so excited you ask????  It has been "stuck" on my chubby fingers for probably 10 years or so.  NOW, I know I've lost weight... 

OMG moment

Sep 05, 2011

Okay.... so my brain has been comprehending the declining numbers on the scale, but my inner self, my mind's eye, my soul had yet to really catch up.  That is until this past weekend when I wore one of my 19 year old daughter's t-shirts to a cook-out and got rave comments on how good I looked.  Can I get an AMEN?????? Oh yeah, now that kinda....no wait...that made me feel REALLY good.  It will be 16 weeks tomorrow since my RNY and I am 33.5 lbs away from goal. 

Although not an easy choice - the RNY has been one of the best decisions I have made in my life.  It is a commitment to be sure, but one that has brought many, many positive changes.  Life is about choices when you get right down to it.  Some we make and regret - others we make and enjoy.

I have come to the conclusion that it is never to late to enjoy life.......

I can do it, I can do it....

Jul 25, 2011

Okay, so in celebration of a co-worker's birthday they are serving a banana split cake....OMG does it look and smell good.  It doesn't however look or smell good enough to dump for.... so, NO THANK YOU for me.  I will survive!!!  Having lost close to 60 lbs is a big motivator.....
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Jul 07, 2011

It's been a tough few weeks both emotionally and physically.  My dear sweet mother in-law is in the 7th and final stage of Alzhiemer's.  This disease is so debilitating - it seems to drain the life not only out of the patient but  out of the caregiver and family members as well.  It is so hard to see her go through not eating, not  moving, not responding.  I know (and believe) that God has a plan for each of us and that he does all thing in HIS time.  As much as I will miss her, I hope that he calls her home before she suffers much longer.

So, I suppose that may have lead to my physical issue(s) .  My pouch and intestines have been really "testy" lately.  No matter if I drank or ate  - it hurt. In fact, I had decided to give it a few more days, and if things didn't improve, I was going to set up an appt with my surgeon.  Thank goodness - yesterday and today have been a little better.  The worst part of all was that the uncomfortableness was keeping me from eating and drinking like I needed to.  I know that my intake was well below the requirements.   I also know the important of ensuring that my protein, fluids etc are up to par. My weight loss has slowed down which I am sure is associated with my recent nutritional decline.  I am striving deligently to recover.  I know I will get there....one step at a time.

On a good note:  Yesterday I weighed in @ 195#.  YEAH!!!  On a recent neurologist visit, my records indicated that in March of this year I weighed 247.  Based on this, I have lost 52#...not bad if I say so myself.  (LOL)
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PCP visit

Jun 08, 2011

So......went to my PCP yesterday afternoon for a routine follow-up appt.  He was very pleased with my blood pressure and discontinued by BP meds until further notice.  YIPEEE!!!!!  I also no longer need my GERD meds,,,AMEN!!!!!

My weight was 213 (plus a smidgen).  The nurse was in such a good mood that he agreed to give me the "213"......Hey, I earned it!!!!

I returned to work Monday (4 days ago).  Since then I have had a uneasy feeling in my lower intestines....leading to frequent BMs.  At first I thought it might have been a little anxiety related to returning to work etc, but it continues.  I called my WLS office yesterday and explained my symptoms.  The nurse said as long as I am able to keep food and meds down I should not to be overly concerned but to keep a check on it.  My worry is that for several days while I was feeling so blah, I did not get in all my liquids/proteins.  Of course, that could not be causing the feelings I am experiencing now...maybe I am slightly dehydrated.  I am going to be diligent in getting everything in from here on out.....


Jun 03, 2011

WOW....it's been 16 days since surgery and I am down to 217.5#.  From my most recent highest weight of 242, this represents a loss of 24.5# YEAH YEAH YEAH..  I feel well except for the occasional bout of fatigue, I have yet to experience any real issues, save for getting in all the requisite protein supplements.  I am still working diligently to achieve this.  And.... (yes, I know you shouldn't start a sentence with a conjunction) I am sleeping without my CPAP......

While I do realize that I am on a journey which may at some point hit some 'Pot Holes" in the road  I feel really blessed today.  I recently received an answer to a much requested prayer.  God is Good ALL THE TIME.


First Post-op Appt

May 27, 2011

Whoo-Hee!!! Surgery 5/18 - 1st Post Op Appt 5/27 = 9 DAYS = 15 lbs lost = ONE HAPPY PERSON!!!!

Hubby went with me to this morning's appointment.  He is and has been very impressed with Dr. Spencer, as am I.  Patient care before and after surgery has been wonderful.  Dr. Spencer is really pleased with my progression and given statistics, feels that I will probably lose the bulk of my weight quickly up front and slow down when I am around 85%.  My incisions are looking healthy and should heal very nicely.  I did admit to the nurse that I am still having a little trouble with getting all my protein supplements in - it is a work in progress and is getting a little better each day.

I know that this journey will have valleys as well as peaks....but I feel blessed to have such a great beginning.....


One week out and feeling purdy fine if I say so myself

May 25, 2011

One week out today, Praise the Lord, I am feeling Pretty Good!!! Although the first few days were no piece of cake, they really weren't as bad as I might have expected. As with any abdominal surgery, I had the "pulling" sensation and at first, was slow to move. I did walk as much as possible which I think helped greatly with not having any trapped gas. I have found that each day, the sensations are less and less. My pain level declined quickly, again, I think that a contributing factor was the MOVING, MOVING, MOVING.  Although my hubby filled the pain meds before we left the hospital (just in case), I haven't opened the bottle nor have I needed to take any Tylenol.  So..... I am going to take a short trip today (actually drive) to see my Mom and to walk for a few minutes around WalMart to get in some exercise.  I am taking it one day at a time and enjoying it as I go.

As I said, I can't lie that it's been a piece of cake, because it hasn't.  I keep reminding myself "why" I did this and "what" is waiting for me down the road, especially when I'm eating 1 oz of chopped egg or chicken and my hubby and daughter are eating something that smells much more enticing. I just think to myself that I won't always be eating on this 1 oz regime, and while I will never eat the amount and all the food that I once ate, I will get to return to normal healthy eating not too far in the future.

My hubby paid me a compliment yesterday (at least I think it was a compliment) when he told me that I was doing much better than he thought I would..... hmmmm??? I could dissect that many different ways.... Nah, I'm gonna take it as a compliment....I deserve it!!! I HAVE done good....not exactly proper grammar but, heck, I'm a country redneck girl and that's my story and I'm STICKING TO IT!!! 

(OMG...I just did a read through before I posted..."a piece of cake" really? Interesting choice of words...guess it just goes to show how our minds, innocently enough, are geared towards food...wow, I need to get a new vocabulary...)
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7.5 hrs to go

May 17, 2011

5:30 AM tomorrow....surreal....surgery scheduled for 7:30. .  I find that I'm more nervous about the breathing tube insertion and having nausea from anesthesia.  I had a consult with the Anesthesiologist and she assured me that she will be looking out for me.
I have wonderful friends who will be praying for me and above all, my Heavenly Father will have me in his care.
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About Me
Chesapeake, VA
Surgery Date
Mar 06, 2011
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